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What do you do for back pain?


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dr diffenderfer in circleville. don't care for the guy for a couple reasons. one a very long story that i won't get into. I just know the way he was adjusting was like he was trying to break my back more....lol
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Everyone knows Voodoo magic is the best way to cure back pain. I am qualified to perform such a procedural ritual. Others may advise you that they are also qualified, however these "others", as I call them, are liars. I accept only cash or trade.
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I will tell you how good the MD's are. I had a lady two weeks ago came in as a new patient. I sent to the ER due to obvious neurological signs of stroke. Slurred speach, + Rombergs, unable to heel/toe walk, loss of coordination, severe headache etc. ER doc says no stroke sends her home and tells her she has a sprained neck (with no recent trauma history) and arthritis. I get a call yesterday, she collapsed the next day at home. Spends the next week in Mt. Carmel. Now has paralysis on her left side. Way to go guys!!!!


hard for me to believe, but i guess its possible. i guess you'll just be hosed if you ever need medical treatment. without modern medicine, you couldn't even imagine how many people would be dead. 7% of people get appendicitis---without surgery, you're dead--that's 7% of the entire population wiped out automatically. hell, my wife had appendicitis, and two separate obstetric complications that all would have killed her without prompt medical care. she'd be dead 3 times over and is only 28 years old.


just think about it for a second, and get back to me with your obvious chipped shoulder.

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So..... a chiro can do things wrong?






its tough for them to do anything wrong, because they're NOT REALLY DOING ANYTHING. for the vast majority of people, the back pain will get better with a couple days rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and avoidance of aggravating activities. when they see their chiro, get 'treated', and get better within one week, they attribute that to whatever service was performed--when they would have gotten better just the same without 'treatment'.

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hard for me to believe, but i guess its possible. i guess you'll just be hosed if you ever need medical treatment. without modern medicine, you couldn't even imagine how many people would be dead. 7% of people get appendicitis---without surgery, you're dead--that's 7% of the entire population wiped out automatically. hell, my wife had appendicitis, and two separate obstetric complications that all would have killed her without prompt medical care. she'd be dead 3 times over and is only 28 years old.


just think about it for a second, and get back to me with your obvious chipped shoulder.


Plumbers have done more to extend life than medical doctors have ever done. Remember I am not in the profession that is the number 1 cause of death in the United States.

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its tough for them to do anything wrong, because they're NOT REALLY DOING ANYTHING. for the vast majority of people, the back pain will get better with a couple days rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and avoidance of aggravating activities. when they see their chiro, get 'treated', and get better within one week, they attribute that to whatever service was performed--when they would have gotten better just the same without 'treatment'.


For not doing anything, people sure do get better under my care after they have been put through the medical mill. My average patient has been on three drugs and seen 2 MD's and they have ran up thousands of dollars in bills and are no better. Some have been through surgery, and most of those are FAR worse than before the surgery.


Talk about not doing anything. Seems like the majority of the MD's are running insurance cost and providing dangerous care that results in poor outcome. But what do I know? :rolleyes:

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For not doing anything, people sure do get better under my care after they have been put through the medical mill. My average patient has been on three drugs and seen 2 MD's and they have ran up thousands of dollars in bills and are no better. Some have been through surgery, and most of those are FAR worse than before the surgery.


Talk about not doing anything. Seems like the majority of the MD's are running insurance cost and providing dangerous care that results in poor outcome. But what do I know? :rolleyes:



you're talking about a very small sliver of patients, and you know you don't make them any better either. also, you've posted no x-rays with hardware, so i know you're full of shit.

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you're talking about a very small sliver of patients, and you know you don't make them any better either. also, you've posted no x-rays with hardware, so i know you're full of shit.


I have plenty with hardware. I can pull some and post them but I dont see the point. I dont do spinal correction on someone who has had surgery, the goal is pain relief care only at the point. The surgery has screwed any chance of them returning to near normal.


BTW... I have over 10,000 patient files that is not a small sliver!

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i'll have my gen. surgery buddies remind you of that when you're screaming for them to remove your appendix.


Awww.... Truth hurt?


Tract life expectancy and you will find the the introduction of plumbing had a direct impact far beyond the practice of medicine. Remember you guys have not been around that long. 100+ years ago doctors were more like what we would consider a Naturopath today

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Plumbers have done more to extend life than medical doctors have ever done. Remember I am not in the profession that is the number 1 cause of death in the United States.


Where do the sick and possibly dying go? That's right to the f*cking doctor or the hospital. To give statistics about that is a little misleading. I guess if you look past #'s you might realize why people who are sick and/or dying actually die. If the #'s included just accidental death due to doctor/surgeon error, then that might be something that I would consider. How about the people with cancer who go into the hospital being too far gone? Do they count in this #? I could care less about this pissing match, but atleast think about what you are posting before you do. Do you expect everyone to eat up your statistics? Give me a break. Everyone involved in science knows that statistics and results can be manipulated to say whatever you want them to say, within reason.

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Where do the sick and possibly dying go? That's right to the f*cking doctor or the hospital. To give statistics about that is a little misleading. I guess if you look past #'s you might realize why people who are sick and/or dying actually die. If the #'s included just accidental death due to doctor/surgeon error, then that might be something that I would consider. How about the people with cancer who go into the hospital being too far gone? Do they count in this #? I could care less about this pissing match, but atleast think about what you are posting before you do. Do you expect everyone to eat up your statistics? Give me a break. Everyone involved in science knows that statistics and results can be manipulated to say whatever you want them to say, within reason.


If you want to talk about stats the AMA Journal Jan 97 said prescription drugs kill more than 140,000 people per year. Those are not my stats.

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Awww.... Truth hurt?


Tract life expectancy and you will find the the introduction of plumbing had a direct impact far beyond the practice of medicine. Remember you guys have not been around that long. 100+ years ago doctors were more like what we would consider a Naturopath today


say what you like, but i guarantee you will call on the help of a physician at some point in the future to save/extend your life. and i can guarantee that myself, and the majority of the population will never see the 'treatment' of a chiro.

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If you want to talk about stats the AMA Journal Jan 97 said prescription drugs kill more than 140,000 people per year. Those are not my stats.



that's 12 years old my friend. are you that much of a sheep that you could be lead to believe that prescription drugs kill 140k perfectly healthy people per year?? those stats include drugs like coumadin for causing death, but they don't report that if you took the patient off of that medication, they would surely die. medications are not without risks/side effects---what you don't grasp is what things would be like without them. you have no grasp of how things really are because you don't take care of sick patients--you only see healthy patients with musculoskeletal complaints.

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say what you like, but i guarantee you will call on the help of a physician at some point in the future to save/extend your life. and i can guarantee that myself, and the majority of the population will never see the 'treatment' of a chiro.


That may be true. But it should not give you a god complex like you have. The reason you guys feel threatened by guys like me is we tell people the truth about health. In the 1950's people never questioned the MD's his word was final. Now people are questioning, and looking for something that is not dangerous. Guess who the come to??? ME!!!!! lol

Every year our market share increases. You guys tried to put us out of business for years, had us put in jail, scared your patient about coming to see us. We are still here.

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that's 12 years old my friend. are you that much of a sheep that you could be lead to believe that prescription drugs kill 140k perfectly healthy people per year?? those stats include drugs like coumadin for causing death, but they don't report that if you took the patient off of that medication, they would surely die. medications are not without risks/side effects---what you don't grasp is what things would be like without them. you have no grasp of how things really are because you don't take care of sick patients--you only see healthy patients with musculoskeletal complaints.


Since Americans use more drugs now than the do you think those number went up or down? BTW that study was based on drug reaction deaths. Go read it.


It also said in the same article 28% of all hospital admissions are due to drug reactions and 30% of hospitalized patients will have a reaction while in the hospital. Just something to chew on.


If people were perfectly healthy they would not be on drugs.

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and 30% of hospitalized patients will have a reaction while in the hospital. Just something to chew on.



this is at least 30%. i can think of possibly 40-50% of my patients (who are usually quite healthy) having reactions to medications i give them. pain medication frequently makes them itch, and gives them constipation---there you have it, reactions to medications.

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