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How did you quit smoking?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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You got to break the habit not just the addiction. Sounds like a commercial huh? I never used any Rx pills or patches or gum to quit. But there is 2 ways I feel to kick it for good.


1) Get rid of the nicotine addiction first. I could explain a method using an illegal substance that works well but this is a public form... so use your imagination on this. There are other "smoking substances" that are far easier to ween yourself off of then tobacco.


My experience I forced myself to work in an environment that was very physically stressful. I got a job at an automatic car wash during the summer. I told them I wanted to be the one to drive the cars out of the end of the bay and outside to be hand dried. So I started this. I had to clean all inside windows of the car with a damp cloth, then wipe off with a dry cloth. Then drive the car outside. I had to do this quick enough so the car behind it still being cleaned doesn't hit the bumper of the one I am in. If it is 90F outside when you get in the car it is going to be at least 125-130F. You will sweat balls all fucking day. You will get a craving for a smoke and yes the first week it will suck ass. By the end of week one I was so pissed off at myself for craving something that made me feel like shit. This made me not want to smoke anymore. By week 2 the sickness went away. A tip also while working drink a shit ton of water. Enough so your mouth is always damp. Piss every 30 minutes clear. It helps...


2) Get rid of the habit.


Everyone is different but think to yourself "when do I need to smoke" or "what am I doing when smoking?". Do you smoke outside during your break? If so do something else. Walk around everywhere for your break or go buy a handheld video game system. Do something to get your mind off it. Do you smoke right before going to bed? Try taking a long hot shower before bed.


I found out that I really didn't like the smoke I had more of an oral fixation with smoking. You can think what you want about me but other then cigs and cigars I put other things in my mouth, like pens for example. I like to chew on pen caps, pencils, straws, tooth picks, and mint candies. So this was what I used when not at work sweating balls. Whenever I felt like lighting up I would eat salted pretzel rods and "twin pops" Popsicles at the same time. Maybe it was the reaction in my brain \going from salty to frozen sweet flavor on my mouth that helped. I don't know for sure but it was enough to make me not think about it and gave me a new habit at the same time.


You never get rid of a habit, you replace it with something else. This is true in everyone's life!

Edited by 87GT
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Once you are addicted you are addicted. The time that you have smoked has no effect on the addiction.


My hardest thing about it is that I deliver pizzas and it kills time for me to smoke while I'm driving. I don't spark one up on every deliver I take but I have the option to smoke whenever I want to.


I'm going to look into those meds all of you have mentioned. Thanks.

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And as far as what you have posted Trowa I know what you mean. I am a daily smoker of another substance and I don't touch cigarettes when I'm under that influence. I've thought about using that for 4 days but I need to find 4 days where I have nothing to do at all.
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And as far as what you have posted Trowa I know what you mean. I am a daily smoker of another substance and I don't touch cigarettes when I'm under that influence. I've thought about using that for 4 days but I need to find 4 days where I have nothing to do at all.



Go buy a bag of tobacco and roll your own cigs. Don't use a hand roller tool use just your hands. It will get old real quick. Maybe that will help. Buying a pack of cigs is just too easy to smoke.

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honestly, I quit by convincing myself that I HATE EVERYTHING about it....


I came to that conclusion by looking at alot of the ex-smokers... they seem to always be the first people to bitch about smoking....


After I realized how much I hate cigs... I was able to drop the habbit... been over 5 years since I touched the stuff and will never turn back.

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I got sick for three days and couldn't smoke. Never picked them up again.


December 28th, 2003.


+1... I smoked cigarettes for almost 3 years then I got sick. Just have the will power to want to quit. Also if you get sick take advantage of it and keep telling yourself how much you want to quit. After I got over my sickness I honestly thought cigarettes were disgusting and it's been a year now since I've smoked one. I have no cravings what so ever but I think that's just me and everybody is different.

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Once you are addicted you are addicted. The time that you have smoked has no effect on the addiction.


My hardest thing about it is that I deliver pizzas and it kills time for me to smoke while I'm driving. I don't spark one up on every deliver I take but I have the option to smoke whenever I want to.


I'm going to look into those meds all of you have mentioned. Thanks.


Time may not have much of an effect on the addiction, but it does on the habit part. The more times you walk to work and smoke a cigarette, the tougher it will be to finally quit. Doing something like that for 10 or 20 years and then just trying to quit is extremely difficult. That's why the mint/gum idea is good to help the habit part because it at least gives you something to do.

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I quit cold turkey after 10 years of smoking.


#1 - I really wanted to quit, there was no other option(not because there wasn't.....but because I didn't want there to be)


#2 - Replace your habit with something else "less worse" or perhaps good. I chose Miller Light for a few days.


#3 - Remember why you are doing what you are doing.



I had cold sweats during sleep for about three nights, twitching.....it was actually scary. But you learn to deal. Kicker for me was my wife still smoked, in the house nonetheless......she still smoke to this day, though I have forced her to the garage.


It's one of those "anything's possible" moments.


I also used this site for moral support



It helped me stay informed.

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4 people at my old job did hypnosis. $40 per person at a group seminar type deal, and they garuntee it to work. if you want to smoke afterwards, they will give you 110% of your money back, so you can get your $40 and an extra $4 to go buy another pack. i guess its hard to lose... either you quit, or you dont and they buy you another pack


btw, none of the 4 ever smoked again for as long as i worked there, and i doubt any do to this day. might be worth a shot for shits and giggles

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I kind of quit cold turkey. When I'm sober....I feel no need to smoke anymore. After some beers though I need a ciggarette. the only problem now is I tend to drink alot so most nights I'm also smoking. I wish I could drink w/out smoking but its super hard. I have been able to cut it down alot though.
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I kind of quit cold turkey. When I'm sober....I feel no need to smoke anymore. After some beers though I need a ciggarette. the only problem now is I tend to drink alot so most nights I'm also smoking. I wish I could drink w/out smoking but its super hard. I have been able to cut it down alot though.

So, in summary, you actually didn't quit at all.

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