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Are you carrying enough firepower?


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Palmer had taken 22 hits from Soulis' .40-caliber Glock, 17 of which had hit center mass. Despite the fact that the weapon had been loaded with Ranger SXTs—considered by many to be one of the best man-stoppers available—Palmer lived for more than four minutes after the last shot was fired. His autopsy revealed nothing more than a small amount of alcohol in his bloodstream.





P1 Exclusive: The truth about handgun knockdown power

By Commander Jeffry L. Johnson

Long Beach Police Dept., Detective Division

Special contributor to PoliceOne




Imagine my surprise when I was confronted by a suspect armed with a shotgun in a dark alley and my Long Colt didn’t live up to its billing. I fired five rounds at the suspect. It wasn’t until I fired my last shot — intentionally aimed at his head — that he went down. I can’t begin to relate to you the surprise and horror I felt when there was absolutely no outward indication I was hitting my target. It was the kind of situation cops have nightmares about.


What actually happened? I fired five rounds at a distance of about twelve feet. The first one missed completely. The second struck his upper leg and broke his femur. The third struck him in the shoulder/chest. The fourth round hit him dead center—in the heart. And of course, the fifth was a headshot. Three of the five rounds created fatal wounds, though only one had immediate results.


Needless to say, I was pretty shaken by the whole thing. Not by the morality of what I’d done; the suspect had already fired at a bystander and taken a hostage earlier. He was also high on PCP. That wasn’t my inner struggle. What shook me was how unprepared I felt; how totally off guard I was taken by what occurred. No one ever told me it would be like that. The reality was contrary to everything I thought I knew about deadly force.


Moral of the story:

People don't drop dead after one shot like they do in the movies. Prepare yourself accordingly.

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That's Crappie flop.


Many insurgents would dope up in Iraq and you could make them look like swiss chesse and they still wouldn't die right away.


If your brain didn't shut down from the hydroshock, you could keep moving, for a short time.

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Basically what caused them to collapse, were the multiple rounds through their chest. Kind of shocking to see the aftermath, and sometimes how useless 5.56mm can be when you really need it. Personally, the Geneva Convention can kiss my ass, we need stopping power over velocity with our battle rifles. That's one time you don't need to be second guessing if you're carrying "enough".



-The Mahdi Militia was all about "doping" up and coming at us in their black pajamas. First time after OIF 1 I saw a fucking uniform.

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  evan9381 said:
so, if you had the option to carry a gun that came in a couple calibers (like my M&P compact), would you prefer 8+1 in 40cal or 12+1 in a 9mm to have the extra 4 shots? and just chose ammo accordingly?



Personally, I'd got for the higher capacity and rely (hopefully) on training and my ability to put one where it counts. More chances to do so = better IMO.

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  smokinHawk said:
what ya need is the 50 cal



Trying to put a football sized hole in someone's chest, eh?

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  hpfiend said:
Do you guys really cary 15 round magazines at 15 rounds for long periods of time? I only have 9+1 in my 15 rounder as I have heard the springs fatigue and it may not be as reliable when you need it to be.






A spring wears out from cycling, not from being compressed or uncompressed.

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