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How important is sex in your relationship:


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1. Very important, gotta hit it at least once a day

2. Kinda important, hit it at least 3 times a week

3. Not so important, hit it whenever

4. Not important at all, I dont have sex

5. I am gay and suck cock for a living

6. I am a priest, never have never will



You answer the question.

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0. You fap multiple times per day to threads on CR

1. Very important, gotta hit it at least once a day

2. Kinda important, hit it at least 3 times a week

3. Not so important, hit it whenever

4. Not important at all, I dont have sex

5. I am gay and suck cock for a living

6. I am a priest, never have never will

You answer the question.


you missed one :p

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what is your not in a "relationship"?


Im an every other day kinda guy. If I want it more I could but it seems the more you get it the more hassle and BS goes along with it. Plus I can live without it if I really HAD to. I just dont have to i suppose.


EDIT: when I WAS in a relationship I was definitly a 1 however it didnt define the relationship. If it does there's something wrong.

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Gotta keep shit interesting on all spectrums of a relationship, doesn't have to be every day but I'd go w/ #2. It seems that the year mark is the real test if a sex life is going to continue with a girl. Last relationship, it died after around that time. Everything else in the relationship got more stressful (I blame part of it on that) and I broke up w/ her.


I'm staying away from letting anything develop into a relationship with girls these days though. My life hasn't been this stress free in years!

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