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What to do??


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I hate being off on Mondays and Thursdays. There ain't shit to do, hell I was contemplating going to the fucking mall, ugg, just to do something.



Anyway the real point to this is Saturday night I have my wife all to myself for the first time in months, and I don't want to sit around the house doing nothing. She'll be resting during the day on Saturday seeing as how she's finishing up a week of both jobs every day. She hasen't had a real day off in months, and yes I mean she works 7 days a week, 2 jobs busting her ass, and this is why I'll be getting the car she bought for me put back together sooner then later. Anyway she deserves a nice evening because the last time this happened we couldn't afford anything. So does anyone have any suggestions? I have to work till 7 on Saturday and go back to work on Sunday, but so long as it fits in that time frame I don't care. She can kick ass non-stop I can get through work on Sunday. So suggestions please?

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Humm, you must be very careful with this, as women are fucking crazy. If you plan out HER day off she might get pissy because "I work 7 days a week and the one day I get off you have us running all over town". Now your intentions are only the best, but you might want to ask her what she would like to do. Let her know that she works hard and that you appreciate that and you would like to treat her to a nice night out to thank her for all she does. Then ask her if she has a preference. That way if she feels like staying in and watching old movies in her sweat pants she has that option. But if she want to go out and “party” then get a reservation somewhere and hit a bar after, maybe invite some of your couple friends. Bottom line is that you want to make her happy, so if I were you I’d ask what she wants then plan accordingly… Good luck!
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Something involving a mattress and the bed of the S10.


Common man it's too cold for that, and remeber we've been together over 10 years now I'm not sure we can make that kind of heat anymore LOL.


Anyway, I was thinking about a steakhouse or something of that nature. Anything we do she'll freak out about the money we aren't saving for the car, seriously (I'm not sure if it's because she is tired of hearing me or what). So I think the penzone is out. I guess we could do the old dinner and a movie thing, but I used to be so spontanious I guess I'm out of practice.:confused:

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Common man it's too cold for that, and remeber we've been together over 10 years now I'm not sure we can make that kind of heat anymore LOL.


Anyway, I was thinking about a steakhouse or something of that nature. Anything we do she'll freak out about the money we aren't saving for the car, seriously (I'm not sure if it's because she is tired of hearing me or what). So I think the penzone is out. I guess we could do the old dinner and a movie thing, but I used to be so spontanious I guess I'm out of practice.:confused:


eh, dont worry about it to much, the dinner and a movie works fine. i took my now girlfriend out saturday to dinner and a movie and she loved it.

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Go to the melting pot at easton (dessert too cause its fucking tasty), followed by show of some kind. Easy, in the same place, and not terribly expensive.


x2 take her out to a good dinner an go down to shadow box for some comedy all at easton so u donhave to travel very far... dinner a movie is lameeee ha

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I did something a little different with my girl


We went to the The Candle Lab and the wine place right next to it in worthington the next morning I was woken up with her mouth on my penis.. All that cost me about 60 bucks.. She still talks about it to this day this happen 3 months ago..


I actually tried this same thing a few years ago before I got with my current gf with another girl funny thing it ended up with the same results but all I was trying to do was have sex with her anyway she still talks about that too as she actually called me this past V day talking about it..

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I did something a little different with my girl


We went to the The Candle Lab and the wine place right next to it in worthington the next morning I was woken up with her mouth on my penis.. All that cost me about 60 bucks.. She still talks about it to this day this happen 3 months ago..


I actually tried this same thing a few years ago before I got with my current gf with another girl funny thing it ended up with the same results but all I was trying to do was have sex with her anyway she still talks about that too as she actually called me this past V day talking about it..


that's because you gave them both the herp! :D

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Never been to either, do you need tickets or do you just show up and buy them?

shadowbox just show up, its live comedy kinda like saturday night live on nbc and live music, funnybone call ahead and reserve a table, you can also eat dinner at the funny bone

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Guest 614Streets
I would get a cheap walmart frame , get some picture developed , put in the frame and a put it somewhere in the house , and then do what dude said take her to the funny bone , have a drink(s) and then get your bone on later or sleep w/e
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