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This is really pissing me off. Stay off of my drive way! I swear I am booby trapping my car tonight when I get home from work. And every night for that matter.


If you see a boxed Clarion 10" 500 watt DVC sub and a Prestige 1000 Watt mono amp they are mine. There is a scuff in the bottom of the sub plus the amp has a few scratches on it.


Couldn't insure it since I bought it used with no receipt. Actually I bought both of these off Trouble Maker on here so he knows what they look like.



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Booby Trap the shit and leave the doors unlocked. Been there done that back in the day.


I never found out what ultimately happened to the bad guys, but let's just say insurance had to replace carpet and seats due to the amount of blood inside the car upon their last attempt.


Double sided razor blades and karma are a bitch. I say a nice placed big ass Bear trap or like would be very much worth the investment. Get the kind with some big ass teeth on it too. Don't even chain it down. Let them run with that fucker biting into them like a grizzly. I would loved to have had that hidden under a blanket. I opted for a board with a bunch of rusty nails and some razor blades welded to the amplifiler and can of the radio. It was a work of art. :D

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Booby Trap the shit and leave the doors unlocked. Been there done that back in the day.


I never found out what ultimately happened to the bad guys, but let's just say insurance had to replace carpet and seats due to the amount of blood inside the car upon their last attempt.


Double sided razor blades and karma are a bitch. I say a nice placed big ass Bear trap or like would be very much worth the investment. Get the kind with some big ass teeth on it too. Don't even chain it down. Let them run with that fucker biting into them like a grizzly. I would loved to have had that hidden under a blanket. I opted for a board with a bunch of rusty nails and some razor blades welded to the amplifiler and can of the radio. It was a work of art. :D


It's illegal to booby trap, fyi. You could be the one ending up in jail.

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It's illegal to booby trap, fyi. You could be the one ending up in jail.


I never gave a shit and still wouldn't. They aren't going to stick around for anything. Besides, the board on my seat was there in case I was attacked on campus. The fact that they fell on it was purely an accident and a damn shame :rolleyes:;)



Besides, the trap under all those leaves next to my driver side door or under said blanket wouldn't have one fingerprint on it from me and hell, it's an apartment complex.....perhaps someone put it there to fuck me up? I have plenty of enemies and I leave my doors unlocked all the time. It was too bad for those theives that they got caught in it, but shit happens.


I pitty the fool who tries to pull my sub out or carry my sub box away.

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Guest tbutera2112
I never gave a shit and still wouldn't. They aren't going to stick around for anything. Besides, the board on my seat was there in case I was attacked on campus. The fact that they fell on it was purely an accident and a damn shame :rolleyes:;)


i think you'd be better off telling the cops you booby trapped it

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i think you'd be better off telling the cops you booby trapped it


back in 1995 when the cops came and took a report they asked me about what "could" have happened because there was a lot of blood. I had no idea because by that point the amp and the board were long gone. ;) To this day I bet there's some fucker out there with a number of big as punctures in his ass and side as I'm sure they sat and laid down to get under the dash without removing that nicely fitted seat cover that just snapped over things.

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Guest Removed
This is why I will never put a system in my cars. Ever.


plus 2 on that..shit isnt worth it anyway. id rather have a $2 radio and all my money in the motor. not the other way around :D

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whats funny is a buddy of mine told me a funny story about "monday's" (which is what popped into my head first), but he wasnt talking about the day of the week, and im not going to repeat it and offend a good group of members here.


This was an awesome story. Please, in the future, ensure that every story you tell or post you make is as awesome as what you just posted.

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