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Kenny, RIP, you will be remembered.


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I went and laid down some flowers and re-lit the candle. Things definitely felt different for me after visiting the site of where it happened. It felt very sad... I hope he's at peace wherever he is. :(


I wish I didn't have to work last night. I would have loved to come out. Like Mike, I realized how long I haven't seen some of you guys. That has to change for me too.



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The very little bit of posting I read of Kenny's, I could tell he was a good dude.

One week ago was the two year anniversary of my friend John's bike accident that took his life. He was 21, and had been my best friend since we were 13.


You never stop to think about how real death is until you lose someone close to you. RIP Kenny, you will be missed.

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I went and laid down some flowers and re-lit the candle. Things definitely felt different for me after visiting the site of where it happened. It felt very sad... I hope he's at peace wherever he is. :(


I wish I didn't have to work last night. I would have loved to come out. Like Mike, I realized how long I haven't seen some of you guys. That has to change for me too.




I went by this morning, I will stop later this evening I think. It was a very sobering sight to say the least.


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I posted in the other thread, but I'll post here too, since it's getting more traffic. It's crazy that it takes something like this to get the real Old School guys out here. Seeing some names I haven't seen in a while.


I am sick over this. Kenny was one of the funniest guys I've ever met on CR. A definite "Old School" member, before the days of CR. He was still in high school when I met him back in 2001. I know this sounds weird, but I was really proud of him when he went back to school and graduated from DeVry and got that first programming job. We had talked online a few times about going back to school and it was cool seeing him hit the point where he realized whatever job he was at then, wasn't going to pay the bills for his racing habit. I encouraged him to go back and told him a lot about what I did for a living. I hadn't physically seen him in a few years, but I talked to him often via PM's. I cried a bit this morning thinking about him and what he meant to CR and countless other message boards. You want a straight up opinion without any sugar? Ask Kenny. He would have given it to you.


I'm up for a cruise, Steak & Shake, etc. Would be cool to hang at a place that was really early CR. RIP Kenny, I'll miss you buddy... :(

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I did not know Kenny really, I had seen him at some meets when I was with Derek. However, when I looked at NBC4's website last night and saw that disgusting picture of the bloody car and read the inconsiderate comments people had made, I could not believe my eyes. I e-mailed NBC4's web person and told them my thoughts, in a nice way. I just got an e-mail back saying they made the following changes: they took out the blurb about the person in the car "returning home from bible study," they took down the picture, and they deleted and closed all commenting on the story. I just checked it, and they did not lie. It's all changed. At least they take well to advice. They also sent me their deepest apologies for any friends and families they may have offended.
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I did not know Kenny really, I had seen him at some meets when I was with Derek. However, when I looked at NBC4's website last night and saw that disgusting picture of the bloody car and read the inconsiderate comments people had made, I could not believe my eyes. I e-mailed NBC4's web person and told them my thoughts, in a nice way. I just got an e-mail back saying they made the following changes: they took out the blurb about the person in the car "returning home from bible study," they took down the picture, and they deleted and closed all commenting on the story. I just checked it, and they did not lie. It's all changed. At least they take well to advice. They also sent me their deepest apologies for any friends and families they may have offended.


Good that picture did not need to be displayed. I was upset when I saw it.

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I did not know Kenny really, I had seen him at some meets when I was with Derek. However, when I looked at NBC4's website last night and saw that disgusting picture of the bloody car and read the inconsiderate comments people had made, I could not believe my eyes. I e-mailed NBC4's web person and told them my thoughts, in a nice way. I just got an e-mail back saying they made the following changes: they took out the blurb about the person in the car "returning home from bible study," they took down the picture, and they deleted and closed all commenting on the story. I just checked it, and they did not lie. It's all changed. At least they take well to advice. They also sent me their deepest apologies for any friends and families they may have offended.

Much more constructive than my bitching. Thank you.

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I went and laid down some flowers and re-lit the candle. Things definitely felt different for me after visiting the site of where it happened. It felt very sad... I hope he's at peace wherever he is. :(


I wish I didn't have to work last night. I would have loved to come out. Like Mike, I realized how long I haven't seen some of you guys. That has to change for me too.




I went by today too and left some flowers, it really hits hard when you see it up close. The candle was out but I didn't have a lighter or anything :(

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i cant beleive i just read the last 16+ pages. jesus, i even checked my aim account to make sure he wasnt online.


dammit, man....


this sucks.


The really freaky part, his account is online. I just keep looking at it, waiting for him to IM me something like, "look at all these faggots on CR, what a bunch of cry babies".

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The really freaky part, his account is online. I just keep looking at it, waiting for him to IM me something like, "look at all these faggots on CR, what a bunch of cry babies".


His notepad is still on in his room. Ricky and I are going to turn it off after the funeral.


I don't feel right doing it myself.

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His notepad is still on in his room. Ricky and I are going to turn it off after the funeral.


I don't feel right doing it myself.


Holy shit you could have punked the whole board if you didn't reveal that. It would have been in bad taste, but sounds like something Kenny would approve of doing. :)

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