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Kenny, RIP, you will be remembered.


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I am feeling a lot better after this evening. I still miss the little prick though :( That will last a long time.


This HAS kicked me into gear to get our Will taken care of. It sucks that this is what it took to do it though. I think it has also changed my views on cars / bikes in general. It just goes to show, no matter the person, shit happens.



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Wow. Just wow. I got a call from the first officer on the scene of the accident, asking if I knew the guy. I couldn't speak, because I never would have thought that would happen to Kenny. Mike's 11 yrs on, this was the worst he's seen.


Hard to say, I'm glad the man never suffered. I'm not glad. But If you had the opportunity to script your own death, Quick, painless, and doing something you are passionate about and enjoy is the best way. However, there is no best way ......


I met Kenny over 10 years ago on Charter St. Yes, Charter st. I do believe thats where his love of Turbo Buicks came from. Everyone remembers me as "Turbo Prick" the original owner of the Grey T-type that kenny LOVED. we spent so much time working, tweaking, pulling transmissions, etc on that car. He even came over to see "BIG UGLY", a teal t-type with 20" on it I was working on for a guy, and was proud to comment on its appearence, yet it ran mid 11's on "DUBS" and that cracked kenny up.


Joe, your last name must be campbell. I'm friends with Brian and Ann Foulk, Ann and I were talking about this earlier.


The Girl in the pic with Kenny is Kim, I used to date her best friend Jen. I saw that picture and about shit. What a small world.


I'll be at the funeral, I'm sure we will be shocked at how large the turn out will be.


Godspeed Kenny, may you rest in peace......

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It's been said before by others, but this thread is an example of how I feel the REAL CR community is. Call each other a fag 360+ days a year, but come together in defense of or in support of each other when needed.


couldnt agree more, and im glad to be apart of this community

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I was walking with Joe today at the showing, conversing as we slowly approached Kenny's casket. The feeling of the room completely changed as you came within even ten feet. I asked Joe quietly "Who is the short man by the casket?" knowing that he had to be someone of close family relation to Kenny. I peered in, and shook the mans hand to which he smiled and said "boy sure loved his buicks". He chuckled and became teary eyed. At that time I realized it was Kenny's father, and even I had a tear come to my eyes without even having known Kenny personally. A father should never have to bury his son.


I went to support my close friends that knew Kenny and I offer my deepest sympathy to you all, he certainly was someone very special. I cracked a pounder for him this evening.

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It's been said before by others, but this thread is an example of how I feel the REAL CR community is. Call each other a fag 360+ days a year, but come together in defense of or in support of each other when needed.


Quoted for truth. I wasn't able to make the service but I can only imagine the astonishment of how many showed up to support a fallen comrade.

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I hope that Kenny can see this in some way to know how much people cared about him. Of course, it will also give him a boatload of fodder to flame the fuck out of all of us for being weeping pansy asses...


Kenny was a CR icon in every since of the word. He was always - always - true to himself and what he believed, and he never caved or compromised or yielded. He never changed an iota in all the years I had the privilege of knowing him. Also, it didn't matter if you were his buddy or his enemy on here, he'd give it to you straight. He despised all things roll racing, Cleveland Browns, and the Columbus Police Department, and he wouldn't hesitate to remind you of those things whenever he felt you needed reminded. He was continuously an imposing force on this board - whether or not you agreed with him, you definitely respected him. When Kenny spoke, people listened.


Ever notice how Kenny's posts were always very short, very direct, and effective? I always admired that about him - where it would take someone like me two or three paragraphs to get something across, he could do it in a line or two. He's one of the very few people on this board that I really had no desire to ever cross or get into a battle of wits with - because I always knew I was just simply outmatched.


I am honored to be able to call Kenny my friend. I will miss him very much, and I hope that, in the coming days, weeks, and years, we can do his memory and life justice in our tributes to him. CR will never, ever be the same without him, though it was undoubtedly made a better, much more unique place because of him.




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It's been said before by others, but this thread is an example of how I feel the REAL CR community is. Call each other a fag 360+ days a year, but come together in defense of or in support of each other when needed.


Proud to be a member here. Vinny it the nail on the head with this. We all bs each other but then we defend are own when need be

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I don't believe it will ever cease to amaze me how CR pulls together when it matters. I hope to never be in a situation where this board needs to come to my aide, but it makes me feel better knowing that when the chips are down, my family will have your support. I'm proud to have been a member here these last six years.
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I don't believe it will ever cease to amaze me how CR pulls together when it matters. I hope to never be in a situation where this board needs to come to my aide, but it makes me feel better knowing that when the chips are down, my family will have your support. I'm proud to have been a member here these last six years.


thanks again for your devotion on coming up here, especially on your bike. Ur a good man.

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Guest tbutera2112
I'm not gonna lie, it was fucking COLD! I didn't get feeling in my toes until I'd been sitting inside the church for quite a while. I think Kenny would have approved, that's good enough for me.


i rolled there with climate control and heated seats....the mans way....:( lol

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Guest tbutera2112
it was cool that his parents were happy that he loved what he did, instead of resenting it...if i was to die in a bike wreck, my mom would spit on every bike she ever saw the rest of her life... i saw kennys mom talking to eric telling him to be careful and that kenny sure did love his bike and his car... its nice to see that theyre dealing with things without becoming bitter at the situation... very strong people and i wish them the best to make it through this whole thing.... i started crying during the service a little bit, and i had never met kenny in person...i think it was a mix between losing someone i was used to talking to very often, and it being so soon after my dads funeral in january...death is such a hard thing to deal with
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