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Jay Leno wants to 40 roll you.


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Could you imagine owning and driving one. Pictures this, it's a cold winter morning before work at 6:00am and you go to warm up the car and hear that! Hahaha Not really into the whole jet engine thing myself, but a great project.
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can you imagine just deciding one day that you want to build your own jet car??? i mean, people designing their own sports cars is one thing(like the ariel guys did), but just deciding that you would like to build your own personal jet car with a carbon fiber body and all kinds of other mega expensive materials! thats just crazy, i couldn't even imagine that.

ive watched every single video on his website, and i suggest everyone else do it too. its definatly worth wasting the time! gotta watch the steam cars too. i saved them for last because i wasn't interested in them, but they are way fricken cooler than i thought!

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