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How I got scammed out of $2500 -- options??


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You know where they live..they won't give cash back. I suggest vigilante justice. Make those mfas have to put money out on everything they leave outside including the house, if you know what I mean. F that!


This seems the be the route I'd go if you cannot get any further with legal consultation.

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Yes indeed. . . the wife fucked up and was way too over-eager to get into a new home. But the simple fact is, it was a rushed thing and done completely unprofessional on their side. And another fact is. . NO, they didn't take the house off the website, I even drove by and the signs were still out in the yard. So really that money just went towards their vacation and all verbal agreements made on their end were broken.


Good news is my father is a Sergeant with the state highway patrol and an ex marine, so he has some intimidation factor. . thinking of bringing him into the mix, maybe stopping by in the cruiser after a shift. Could be a good time.


Thanks for all the input!!! Such bullshit any way you look at it.

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You may have an out due to the manner in which the deal was made and the contract signed. People get out of contracts all the time. I would definitely contact a lawyer before it's all said and done. Call around, though and find a good one.
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Guest tbutera2112
On another vengful note. You just paid $2500. why not use the house. They are on vacation. You could go sleep in their bed, fuck the couch, shit in the toilet, eat all the food, and have a huge party. Let them come home to the aftermath. And if you have to break a window to get in, so be it.




Be advised the above actions could get you in trouble and cost you more money in the long run.


cr house party, woop woop

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LoL. Two wrongs don't make a right....(or do they). No but really. . I'm going to try to work something out with them when they return. Tell them to keep a couple hundred for the supposed day they didn't take calls. . . but seriously, it was obviously a planned scam, the only thing legit about it was the fact they do own the property and that they did give us a receipt. They just didn't go over the receipt, they didn't point out we weren't getting a refund. . then down at the bottom of this full page receipt in small print it's like "no refund for you bitch".


I'm pretty bummed about it, but it didn't break me or anything. I just don't like giving away 2500. Who would? I'm gonna get this shit back one way or the other. I'll keep ya'll posted. Thanks for all the comments.

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The contract is a very important part of any business deal, especially construction and real estate. From what I've seen above, the only legally binding document you have is a receipt? Even if it is at the bottom, in small print, I doubt that the real estate company would be obligated to return any of the money. The only thing you probably have on your side now is the good faith of the realtor.


Hoever, if you can prove that the house wasn't taken off the market then that would violate any written or verbal agreement that was made.


What company is this that you're dealing with anyway?

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The contract is a very important part of any business deal, especially construction and real estate. From what I've seen above, the only legally binding document you have is a receipt? Even if it is at the bottom, in small print, I doubt that the real estate company would be obligated to return any of the money. The only thing you probably have on your side now is the good faith of the realtor.


Hoever, if you can prove that the house wasn't taken off the market then that would violate any written or verbal agreement that was made.


What company is this that you're dealing with anyway?


I don't even know if it's a real company ~ they call themselves E&J properties ~ but I'm pretty sure it's just a married couple working from home. Like I said. . yes the receipt was signed. . . yes my wife should have read it THOROUGHLY. . . however she did not, and regardless they said if we decided not to move in before they got back from vacation we could have a refund. It would have been different if they would have made it clear that no refund was to be given on any money given to them.


They get back Saturday. I'll see what I can do.

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Have you talked to them since you decided to NOT get the home?




Yeah, that's when they unprofessionally said "sorry no refunds" and hung up. This is primarily the reason I seek revenge. I mean you'd think they would atleast talk about our options, and I didn't even sign this receipt. . . yet they happily took money from just my wife. . even after running both our credits. It just seems so shady and scammy I can't take it.

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I say you are screwed....



Once a person has entered into a contact, there is no grace period to withdraw from it. Unless the contract states there is a period in which the contract can be cancelled, the contract must be upheld. The Home Sales Solicitation Act allows buyers to cancel certain at-home purchases. AG.state.OH.US

The Ohio Attorney General's Web site explains consumer rights for prepaid entertainment purchases like fitness clubs and dating services. AG.state.OH.US


Right from the AG's website.

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