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Shame on you ABC and your report


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I should've expected nothing less from ABC and their liberal filth. To start off their "guns in America" story on 20/20, they said the story is not about the political position on Guns. Funny thing, not one responsible gun owner, NRA spokesman, hunter, or any other firearm owner was interviewed or asked. The report was filled with anti-gun lobbyists, shooting incidents, and sob stories of "victims" from firearms. I love their practical exercise didn't have one trained individual, and only focused on the law enforcement side. After this bullshit, they interview a kid that lives in one of the lowest income areas of Florida and talks of all the drugs and violence. To help fuel more fire, the proceed to a gun show to rant and rave how easy you can buy a firearm at a gun show. A kicker they showed the tape of the man from Ohio, that hit an armed theif running out of a hotel. Yet the only thing they said was how close he shot to a mother and child.


The whole show spread the filth of President Obama do this, President Obama help us, President Obama outlaw guns. For a non-poltical hour program, they sure blew that. I will be emailing ABC, in hopes that more responsible firearm owners like myself will voice their opinions umong anger. The program only fuels fear mongering and anti-gun propaganda. If you can suppress your anger, watch it if you can. I'm more than disgusted by this program, but again what do you expect out of these liberal, un-educated media networks.

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Last bit, if you plan on a story, please give both sides an equal opportunity to provide their side. Hell FX, (Fox) had the life swapping show when a gun hater lived with a gun lover. And funny thing, she came around when she saw responsibility in reality. I can understand that ABC is scared to stray away from their liberal, pro-democratic stance on firearms, because RESPONSIBLE firearm owners will show that they are RESPONSIBLE with their given RIGHT. It's stories like this that really show how really un-educated and down right stupid looking these gun hating liberals really are.
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I hate irresponsible reporting, even if I agree with what they are saying. All it does is make stupid people stupider.


I am going to stay calm with you and ask you a couple questions.


Do you even know how to properly use a firearm?


Have you every shot a gun?


Last but not least, do you seriously believe you would be sitting here right now typing on a web forum was it not for guns?


I do not understand how anyone can be anti-gun maybe you can explain your point of view.

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I knew before watching it what they were going to try to portray, but, I never expected it to be that bad.


Diane started off with, "this isn't about the 2A, and won't be an anti-gun report" (or something like that). Then, the whole hour long show goes on to do nothing but bash on guns.


1. The CCW classroom scenario. What a fucking joke. There's so many holes in their 'experiment' that it's hard to know where to start, so, I'll just tell it as they set it up:


-Very untrained 'CCWers' wearing OWB holsters, with T-shirts draped down to their knees, wearing paintball masks, and thick gloves. Professional firearms instructor (the bad guy in the scenario) knowing full well they're only using paint simunitions (read; no fear of dying) strolls into the room, shoots the instructor, and then goes directly for the 'CCWer', knowing exactly that they're sitting front and center in the room.


The untrained CCWer jumps up, attempts (unsuccessfully) to unholster his/her weapon, and shoot the perp before they get shot. All the while, the other 'students' are running directly towards the shooter, and ultimately, the door, which just so happens to be where all of the 'bullets' are flying.


ABC's conclusion: use your cell phone. It'll protect you better than a gun. Cell phones stop bullets. You can't possibly be trained well enough to use a gun in such a situation, so, you should just sit back and die rather than to make an attempt to live.


2. Poor little Damon Weaver. Damon is scared of the guns and violence in his neighborhood and wants Obama to do something about the guns. ABC interviews the 'locals' about their ease of access to guns. Said 'locals' are all obviously the gang-banger type. I bet all the guns they get are legit.


3. The 'gun show loophole'. :ugh: There is NO FUCKING LOOPHOLE! If you buy a new gun from a licensed FFL, you MUST GO THROUGH A BACKGROUND CHECK. I can sit out on my front lawn all day long and sell my old used guns. It just so happens that people meet at these gunshows because they know people are there to buy guns, and can sell their guns (private sales) with relative ease. Again, requiring a background check with every firearms transfer is retarded. Statistically, most firearms used in crime are STOLEN.

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4. Kids and guns. Parents are shocked when they purposely leave a gun in their kids toy box and the kid picks it up and starts playing with it. Hello? How about a little bit of education here? It'd go a long way; I promise.


Then you've got the teenagers who find the planted gun and start to play with it. Let's look down the barrel or pull the trigger while it's pointed at the ground to see if it's loaded! Those are brilliant ideas. But nooooo, these teenagers are old enough that they should know better. Again, some firearms education in their early years would do a world of good. Sheltering these kids from guns their whole lives is going to fuck you in the end when they finally get curious (and they will) or stumble upon one. Jesus Christ. Teach them something.

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I refused to watch it. I saw the previews and was disgusted enough not to watch the filth they call reporting.


You should check out the comments section for the show on ABC.com.


It's getting shredded apart by pro-gun comments. People are PISSED. It seems that all but a few were able to see right through the bias.


I'm on there right now, having fun educating the few dumb ones who get on there and spout off on the subject with obviously no education about it. :cool:



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The kids and firearms question can ALWAYS go back to parenting. From early on I knew not to touch my dad's firearms, for fear of getting my ass whooped in the least bit. But from early on I was told never to touch them, but ALSO I was properly taught firearms safety. Finger never on trigger, and making sure the weapon was unloaded. I really hope the NRA fires back at this one full force.
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The kids and firearms question can ALWAYS go back to parenting. From early on I knew not to touch my dad's firearms, for fear of getting my ass whooped in the least bit. But from early on I was told never to touch them, but ALSO I was properly taught firearms safety. Finger never on trigger, and making sure the weapon was unloaded. I really hope the NRA fires back at this one full force.


People just like to blame inanimate objects for their lack of parenting. I was taught at a young age how to handle firearms and it is second nature to me now. I am amazed when my friends are around my guns how ill informed that they are about how to handle weapons, don't know how to check if it is unloaded, point it at people, etc...

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You should check out the comments section for the show on ABC.com.


It's getting shredded apart by pro-gun comments. People are PISSED. It seems that all but a few were able to see right through the bias.


I'm on there right now, having fun educating the few dumb ones who get on there and spout off on the subject with obviously no education about it. :cool:




I've been contemplating my comment to them all morning long. Granted it will fall upon deaf ears, but maybe I can make it compelling enough to look at.

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I've been contemplating my comment to them all morning long. Granted it will fall upon deaf ears, but maybe I can make it compelling enough to look at.



I doubt that any of the anti's look at that comment section ever again once they post, but, I've been addressing every uneducated person that I can in the hopes that maybe they'll see the light. If anything, hopefully it'll shed a little light on the subject for the fence sitters.

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firearms saftey should be taught in elementary school along with some other basic things that parents are apparently either unable or willing to teach thier children


Isn't that the truth. I'd be 110% for it, but, the sheltered parents would pitch a fit if we tried to implement that. They'd also be the ones crying like a bitch when their kid turns the neighbors'd kid's head into a fucking canoe because they found a gun someplace and got a bit curious.

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I've been contemplating my comment to them all morning long. Granted it will fall upon deaf ears, but maybe I can make it compelling enough to look at.


We should not have to argue with these ignorant people. A picture of the American Flag and a copy of the Constitution should be enough.

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My responses so far:


Thank you for the powerful program “If I Had A Gun “.You certainly dispelled some myths and provided an eye opener for those who think the salvation from our epidemic of gun violence is more guns . Please put this episode in your on demand cable selections . It has great value as a teaching tool . I also hope you rebroadcast program. Thanks G F


I'm really suprised by the outcry from pro- gun advocates over this 20/20 episode. I mean you mention anything about stricter gun laws in this country and people jump the gun and feel your taking away their rights to won one. Nobody in this episode said that they want guns to be banned totally. Calm Down!!!!! If you are a law abiding citizen and you pass the required background checks and evaluations ,even if they are stricter, then you will have your gun. The gun laws being made tougher might be a deterent and a barrier for would be bad guys to aquire them. Thats it. Nobody is gonna come to your house and take your guns and say you cant have them, relax!!!! And people bring up this point saying that if criminals or crazy peoplewho do mass shootings didnt have guns then they would use knives, or axes, baseball bats, etc..... Well why do you think these bad guys choose guns over other objects? Guns can take out mass amounts of innocent folks from a distance practically eliminating close contact. Seriously, how many physical lives would be lost if the Virginia Tech killer had an axe or a baseball instead of a gun. Yeah, he would probably damage property. Maybe 1 or 2 people could be hurt or killed by a suprise attack, but overall people would just runaway from the dude and he probably would have got shot by cops or a group of brave people could have jumped him and brought him down. It's too easy to kill with a gun, plain and simple, thats why criminals and the like use them for wrongdoings


FullerG and Action of Reason,I seriously hope you two would do some more research into the subject and put some logical thought into it before spouting off again.First, this show was nothing but a Brady Campaign anti-gun commercial. They relayed absolutely zero information about the good that guns do in society. The facts are out there; anti-gun folk just choose to ignore them.Second, you can legislate guns out of existance all you want. They're still going to be there, specifically, in the hands of criminals. Background checks don't do a thing for the people who choose to avoid them. Criminals don't follow the laws BECAUSE THEY'RE CRIMINALS! We should make drugs illegal, that way, criminals won't be able to get them either. Oh wait....The thing to do would be to actually enforce our current laws, and make the punishments stiffer. Giving people a slap on the wrist and letting them loose again just adds to the problem.



First, what was said about locking up guns at "safe" homes is true. Second, what was NOT said is VERY powerful. (1) The NRA needs to SUPPORT a ban on automatic weapons AND armor piercing bullets from being sold outside of the military and police. (2) Most crimes are "race against race." While the little "10 year old journalist" was cute, did you miss the comment about very little money in the community, but there were many guns? Gangs have "odd" priorities. (3) I don't know the number, but when ABC starts throwing out the death toll per day/week/month/year...how many of those are (a) from illegal guns or (b) gang related? (4) There was no mention of gang or illegal use of guns. While we need better means of finding out if a "nut" is getting a gun, we sure as hell need to punish those who use them illegally. Our police are doing a great job in catching the bad guys, but our courts are doing NOTHING to keep them from repeating crime. Why do so many "normal" citizens now want to carry a weapon? Because our politicians and judges are so worried about PC laws and technicalities that the average citizen is ALWAYS going to be the victim. Instead of having the liberal press, ACLU and the good REV running down Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County, AZ, maybe we ought to use him as an example of what works. What if the criminal was punished rather than able to go to a law library, etc. and was breaking rocks into smaller rocks into sand and placing it into sandbags. It would make people think about being stupid. I'm a former deputy sheriff, a retired military officer and currently a pastor of a church. I have owned weapons since I was 14 years old. My family includes a fireman, policeman and a construction worker. We all own weapons and are trained in them. They are locked up. But criminals are what we plan against because our politicians and courts don't support us worth a damn. It is time that the United States of North America stop looking for the handout and waiting for big brother to watch over us. It is time for common sense and getting back to the basics of family and person responsibility.


NichKick, I agree with everything you said except for the banning of full-auto weapons and AP ammo. I think most people forget why the second amendment is there. It's there as a second line of defense against an unruly government (the first line of defense being the 1st amendment). It was put into place incase the citizens needed to overthrow their government. The idea was for the The People to be as well armed as the military should they need to go head to head. Now, I know it makes your job as a Peace Officer a bit more dangerous, but, the average citizen will never own or fire a full-auto weapon or AP rounds. Second, besides the infamous bank robbery shootout in LA, I can't recall a FA weapon or AP rounds being used in a crime..........ever. Making them illegal does absolutely nothing. Again, criminals will be criminals and if they want a FA weapon, they'll get it.




The NRA and gun enthusiast in general just do NOT get it. The NRA will tell you everyone should be permitted to own any type of gun he/she chooses. This includes assault weapons. I don't see any use for an assault weapon other than to kill people. That is why the military special forces use them. I can't understand why anyone would use one for target practice. And any poor deer shot with so many bullets in a short burst would be so riddled with holes, there would not be enough salvageable meat to make a meal. The point most gun enthusiast miss is that a gun is only as safe as the person using it. And the only qualification to owning a gun is to have the money to buy one.


debari1, you, like the other people I have addressed, really need to seek some education on the subject before commenting. As I told Nich, the second amendment was PRIMARILY put into place so the people could protect themselves against THE GOVERNMENT, not so much criminals. If you take away all the 'assault weapons' (which, by the way, do you even know what those really are?), then you are just making it that much easier for a goverment to do what they want with you. Take them away, and you won't be able to do a thing about a tyranical government should that day ever come. And lastly, how many people do you know that use an 'assault weapon' for hunting deer? Really. You're pulling storys out of your butt at this point.



Assault weapons was ban in 1984. Armor piercing bullets is ban from civilians. No M995 bullets exist outside of the military. Having caught with either an Assault weapon that isn't register or Armor piercing bullets is going to get you a 10 years jail time. Criminals on the other hand don't care if they get 10 more years. That's why they have the guns that are truly illegal. Now, if you want to take about semi-automatic rifles and the need to ban them, please don't connect the two as the same because they aren't.


Joe S., AP rounds, and AP Incendiary rounds are both fully LEGAL. Not sure where you got your info, but you can buy both rather easily and neither will get you any jail time. However, you are correct about select-fire weapons. Civilians are generally not permited to own any select-fire weapons that were made after May 1986. They can, however, own ones that were manufactured before May 1986. This is due to the National Firearms Act. Again, most civilians will NEVER own such a weapon though because, 1. it's a lengthy process and there's a fair amount of paperwork involved, 2. it's a $200 transfer fee to the government, and 3. since we (civilians) are only permitted to own pre-'86 select-fire weapons, we're limited to a finite amount (i.e., the # of available guns is only decreasing). This leads to RIDICULOUS PRICES (think, $5,000+). This prices the average citizen right out of ownership.




Yes, you are right, More guns and easier access to them is the answer to less gun violence!! I knew this would be the attitude, I discuss this with a lot of people and that is always the answer. To me there is no common sence to this. It amazes me how many people feel this way. What really amazes me is the fact that people still say we have gun restrictions in this country when people can just walk into a gun show and by them with no ID, nothing, it is toatlly a free for all, you can walk out of a mental instution and buy a gun. I beleive that is the whole problem with this country we are way too easy with most of our laws and criminals... Child molesters are returned back into our society, only to murder someone's child. Drunk Drivers receive a slap on the wrist and are returned to the streets only to kill an innocent family..ANYONE can have a gun and randomly shoot anyone in their range. THATS AMERICA....LAND OF THE FREE!!!! So happy I have small children!!


Son of a bitch. My response to this was deleted. ABC's been going through and picking out the ones they don't like.
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We should not have to argue with these ignorant people. A picture of the American Flag and a copy of the Constitution should be enough.


Agreed 100%, but these liberals can't grasp the concept in their head that it is a Constitutional RIGHT granted by our founders. Their debates are always founded on worthless statistics, hear say, and un-educated fear mongering. I have yet to have an educated debate with the anti-gun crowd, it's always full of stupidity leaving their wind pipe. I don't mind gun control, but it's who is controlling the control checks and balances that I am worried about. No respective gun owner hates the control, it's what is said within and the force behind it. 100% of the time it's the anti-gun lobbyist liberals that are pushing absurd laws and regulations that hurt the responsible owners of America.

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Austin,... No backup of the reply you had for this lady?:


Originally Posted by gunhatermommy

Yes, you are right, More guns and easier access to them is the answer to less gun violence!! I knew this would be the attitude, I discuss this with a lot of people and that is always the answer. To me there is no common sence to this. It amazes me how many people feel this way. What really amazes me is the fact that people still say we have gun restrictions in this country when people can just walk into a gun show and by them with no ID, nothing, it is toatlly a free for all, you can walk out of a mental instution and buy a gun. I beleive that is the whole problem with this country we are way too easy with most of our laws and criminals... Child molesters are returned back into our society, only to murder someone's child. Drunk Drivers receive a slap on the wrist and are returned to the streets only to kill an innocent family..ANYONE can have a gun and randomly shoot anyone in their range. THATS AMERICA....LAND OF THE FREE!!!! So happy I have small children!!





The pure idiocy of her post is just dumbfounding. She wants to blame Child Molesters who kill kids on lax laws and the Child Molester. She blames drunk drivers who kill people on the lax laws and the drunk driver. BUT, wants to blame criminal activity involving a gun ON THE GUN itself.... no wonder she fails to see the "sence" to it.


Trying to argue with twats like her give me high blood pressure.

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