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How much chicken do you eat?

Jizzle Juice

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Cause i know in the last 4 days iv ate soooo fuckin much!


Sunday-Spicy chicken from wendy's


Tues-Another Spicy chicken Ate chicken breast for dinner

Today-McChicken and and crispy chicken snack wrap!!!!


My protein is Good!!! Really Good for the Ladies!!! :D

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A lot. I used to live on burgers, but started getting bad stomach pains. Since I've swapped most of my burger intake for chicken intake, my gut feels much better.


I still have the occaisional burger.. But now I just make sure they're GOOD burgers.

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8 out of 10 meals is chicken for me. I usually don't eat breakfast, but I do love those chicken biscuts from McDonalds. Saturday I ate chicken strips from A&W, wings from hooters, Sunday I ate chicken nuggets, and a steak, Monday I had chicken nuggets and a spicy chicken from Wendy's twice, Tuesday was the same thing, and today I had KFC and Wendys again. I absolutly DO NOT eat hamburgers, so steak and pizza get mixed in once in a while.
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