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What do you mix your rum with?

Trouble Maker

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So I stopped drinking pop the other day... again. Every time I do it for a few weeks, months, then have a few here and there, then eventually I'm drinking 1 a day. Then decide to start eating healthy again, so I stop drinking pop. Every time it's worse. This last time I had a headache for 3 days, maybe some sort of weird chemical thing going on in my brain from it. I'm done. Even before I would still drink it with rum. Think I'm going to completely cut it out this time.


So WTF do I drink my rum with?



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Yeah, thought of some juices and nothing really sounds like it would go well. Rum just goes with coke for me. :(


We often have different juices here, and usually orange juice and/or cranberry juice. Guess I will just have a to try it sometime. Although my hopes aren't that high.

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Rum + fresh Orange Juice and Pineapple juice = YUM!


Jesse, you should make some bananas foster:


* 1/4 cup butter

* 2/3 cup dark brown sugar

* 3 1/2 tablespoons DARK rum

* 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

* 3 bananas, peeled and sliced

* 1 pint vanilla ice cream


In a large, deep skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in sugar, rum, and vanilla. When mixture begins to bubble, place bananas in pan. Cook until bananas are hot, 1 to 2 minutes. Serve at once over vanilla ice cream.

Edited by Rotarded
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Rum + fresh Orange Juice and Pineapple juice = YUM!


Jesse, you should make some bananas foster:


* 1/4 cup butter

* 2/3 cup dark brown sugar

* 3 1/2 tablespoons rum

* 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

* 3 bananas, peeled and sliced

* 1 pint vanilla ice cream


In a large, deep skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in sugar, rum, and vanilla. When mixture begins to bubble, place bananas in pan. Cook until bananas are hot, 1 to 2 minutes. Serve at once over vanilla ice cream.


This sounds delish im gonna serve this at the next cookout.

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There are a few out there, but not many places sell a variety.


If you can find it, Tommy Bahama makes a KILLER white rum! It ain't cheap, but damn, it's tasty! If you can do a dark, Sailor Jerry is bad ass! It has a slight cherry under tone, but it mixes with Coke Zero VERY nicely.





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These mexicans I work with, gave me this stuff you mix with water and/or milk. Its rice, sugar and cinnamon. I don't know the name but its the shiz nit, lol. I guess it kinda taste like rice pudding but idk, I've never had rice pudding. I think it taste like a cross between a white russian and maybe a pina colada, but idk. You can get it at a mexican grocery.
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PS - 10 Cane sucks the sweat off a monkey's ass!


You know I tried it and Pyrat just off of seeing them in the store and thinking they might be good. Pyrat is the bees knees. Didn't really like 10 cane. 10 cane reminds me more of a whiskey or scotch, which I'm not a fan of.


i do coke. pyrat/coke FTW


See picture. I'm going to buy a bottle of Pyrat Cask 1623 sometime soon. I'm working to pay off my student loans, which is the last bit of debt I have right now, then I can start saving up for a down payment on a house. As soon as I'm debt free I'm going to open up the Cask 1623 and drink it for the first time. That's the taste of freedom.


Mike, I will definitely make that sometime. In the mean time, call your supplier and find out if the can get me that Cask 1623! You know there's a drink or two in it for you when I finally open that bottle. :)




That might be the way I end up going.


juice is going to be just as bad for you as soda, so drink the diet caffiene free stuff.


Yeah, but at least it's 'real' stuff (I always get 100% juice).


Sorry I can't help too much on the white rum. It's all I used to drink, but I rarely drink it now that I started drinking darker rums. I would say start venturing into darker rums, that's what I did when I wanted better stuff.

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