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What do you want from CR?

Guest Hal

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i met a ton of great people through CR..

and as of lately this place has gone down hill.


i remember when i first joined, and actually start coming out to meets. i had a great time, and actually wanted to come out and hang out and BS with everyone. talk cars/bikes. now when i go out i almost feel left out. its like everyone has there clicks.. and they dont talk about cars anymore its what they did last weekend, or what they are gonna do friday night or whatever bullshit. about getting drunk, getting pussy.. blah blah blah.


this is a automotive community. and i think that it has gone a stray from that.


the people i have met and networked with have been people from a few years ago. granted i have met a few more poepl since being on here, but the people still talk to and will go up to at meets and BS cars with or whatever are the ones i met a few years back.


im not saying its better, but ohio-riders is alot mroe organized and a more purpose driven community. when they do things, its about bikes, may it be a weekend bike outing at hocking hills, going to the moto gp weekend at mid ohio, scheduled bike trips, charity runs, or little rallys.


its about the bikes and everyones love for them.


hell the dyno day they had was a huuuuuge turnout. and very very well organized. you could get t shirts, they had pizza, when they ran out the ordered more.


they had a dude designated with a clipboard to get everyone signed up and paid, and a spot to get on the dyno.


i have been to a few CR dyno days and it was no where near this organized.


I love CR, but the purpose of this site is deteriorating.

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I come to CR to meet interesting people. I've met people through CR i would have never met other wise. I find it a valueable source of information and entertainment.


As a sponsor of CR I've made great contacts and helped get me business started.

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I'm actually here mostly for the buttsex, so your post is most alarming to me. I mean I've gone over and over again in my head about the attention to detail I give to even the most basic act of sodomy, no weird toys or animals needed. I really believe I am that caring of a lover ... so to hear CR buttsex put into such a poor light, really stretches my O-ring if ya get me. Wink Wink ...





Ok I'm sorry about that ... now serious Sol is here.


I am here because my friends in "real life" think I'm retarded for being as obsessed with cars (namely my car), as I am. They think I am out of mind for knowing engine, or chassis codes, for *how many* ever vehicles. So besides one or two other "car guys or gals" I may have met in Auto-tech, I come here (and to other online communities) for the obvious, to find automotive enthusiasts such as yourselves ... and to make witty observations, with impeccable timing, and brutal application, thusly taking one of those individuals I so purposefully sought out to meet, and destroying their self-esteem through group humiliation, and ostracization.

Edited by sol740
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It's one of the few things that I actually like doing on the internet. The drama is a little much sometimes, but it keeps me reading. I'd rather see a track times thread with videos than most of the B.S. on here, but that would get boring after awhile. Oh, and I like to piss people off by telling them that they need more seat time:).
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I come to CR to meet interesting people. I've met people through CR i would have never met other wise. I find it a valueable source of information and entertainment.


As a sponsor of CR I've made great contacts and helped get me business started.


I mirror this remark completely. With all that life is throwing at me today and increasingly more stuff keeping me busy everyday, CR offers me a chance to meet a wide variety of folks, many of whom I likely would never have had a chance to interact with otherwise.


The cool thing is that while this is a Car/Racing forum, the board is diverse enough and introduces a number of new interests from the group that it's in no way limiting as many of the forums I frequent are.


What I want from CR is that diversity, centered around a common interest in cars and racing but with less immature drama and BS. I have enough drama in my life and if I want want dumb immature drama in my life that makes me feel depressed and ignorant, I'll watch the daytime talk shows. No thanks.


I've not been around as long as many here, but in that short time, it does seem that it's time for a refresh of sorts.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Quite a few people summed up my reason. Car Community! Just a common place for people with common interests. Oh and by common I mean like. As for the drama, well it is in every part of life. Work drama, family drama, etc.

I thought we were all car guys/girls here?

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I guess since I am still new to Ohio I feel like more of a visitor here than anything but here I go. I come to find meets to take the car out to, check out other people's cars in the area, find entertaining threads of all sorts, avoid the e-bullys and the people who bring it upon themselves, etc....


As a new person the vast majority of people on this site and in the car community here in general are very nice people and it makes the jack@sses easy to spot and avoid.

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I'm actually here mostly for the buttsex, so your post is most alarming to me. I mean I've gone over and over again in my head about the attention to detail I give to even the most basic act of sodomy, no weird toys or animals needed. I really believe I am that caring of a lover ... so to hear CR buttsex put into such a poor light, really stretches my O-ring if ya get me. Wink Wink ...





Ok I'm sorry about that ... now serious Sol is here.


I am here because my friends in "real life" think I'm retarded for being as obsessed with cars (namely my car), as I am. They think I am out of mind for knowing engine, or chassis codes, for *how many* ever vehicles. So besides one or two other "car guys or gals" I may have met in Auto-tech, I come here (and to other online communities) for the obvious, to find automotive enthusiasts such as yourselves ... and to make witty observations, with impeccable timing, and brutal application, thusly taking one of those individuals I so purposefully sought out to meet, and destroying their self-esteem through group humiliation, and ostracization.


I come here to read these posts, learn a little, and kill time at work when the forums I care about are slow.

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I joined way back when to talk cars and learn a thing or to. It helped to find where the meets were happening as well.



Now that I don't really mod cars much anymore I just get on here out of habit. I like to check the gun crew forum and parking lot for random threads. It seems like it's less about car than when I first joined, and that works for me. I basically look at it like an OT forum, at least that's all I post about.

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