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Could you "take the money and run"???


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I do not know if anyone has posted this yet... I heard this on the news a few days back. A couple that owned a gas station received a nice six million dollar deposit in their bank account, and ran!! You always hear about the story when they give the money back...


This... this was NOT the case, :D


Here is the link:




Could YOU take it and run??

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Guest tbutera2112

if it was a bank error, hell yes...but i wouldnt go on a worldwide flee for 2.x million or whatever they got


if i found a travelers check with someones name on it for that much, i dont think i would be able to keep it...but if the bank fucks up and pays me, MINE

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not in this type of situation. now if I ever find a bag of money from a Brinks truck. no one will fucking know a thing. not even my family. however, I will enjoy every dollar of that cash until it's gone. :ninja:
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As much as I like to take it and run....Not sure it's worth it in this case. On the run, get caught, they take all the money and you go to jail. Then probably have to pay back what you spent. No thanks. I think I would stay here in Columbus and spend that shit like crazy....no sleep, spend money ALL day. Give to family/friends. Then simply say....."hell, I didn't know" when they catch up on it.
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It is too bad they were not able to take the whole amount... I think you could disappear with that kind of money!! Cash of course... you could not get away from the trail that kind of money leaves behind, though...
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Not that 2 million is a joke, but how far and for how long can you run on that? And is it worth the risk. Now on the other hand if it's a lot more like say 30 million it would be even more tempting, but then if you get caught you're in even bigger shit becasue you know they aren't just going to be like... Oh we lost 30 million... do biggie. Nope they will hunt your ass down for that amount. So I guess in this format NO I would let the bank no of their error and hope they reward me some other way.



Now like metioned above, if it was some large amount of cash that found it's way to me. HELL's yes I would keep that!

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think I would stay here in Columbus and spend that shit like crazy....no sleep, spend money ALL day. Give to family/friends. Then simply say....."hell, I didn't know" when they catch up on it.


Same, "I thought it was a stimulus package."


Now, if I were to find $10million in cash in a briefcase. I would be gone so quickly. Probably move to Canada or somewhere north like Minnesota in the middle of nowhere.

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Same, "I thought it was a stimulus package."


Now, if I were to find $10million in cash in a briefcase. I would be gone so quickly. Probably move to Canada or somewhere north like Minnesota in the middle of nowhere.


10 mill in a case or bag, I'd be off to somewhere remote to change the case/bag out for one of my own, and verify no tracking devices or surprises in the case. Then I'd be home and not spend an abnormal dime for a year or two.

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10 mill in a case or bag, I'd be off to somewhere remote to change the case/bag out for one of my own, and verify no tracking devices or surprises in the case. Then I'd be home and not spend an abnormal dime for a year or two.


Not a bad idea. Just deposit a little extra with each paycheck so it all looks normal.

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