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Have you ever added up what you pay in Insurance each year for everything?


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We were talking about it on another forum so I thought I'd post it here...


Have you guys ever added up what you pay annually for insurance and did a double take?


I mean seriously, you add up car/motorcycle/home/life/health insurance and figure what it costs you in a year, and I about want to shoot myself. We're paying all this "just in case".


For me, it's about $7000 a year, that's HUGE. Take out health insurance and it's still like $4500 a year. Ouch, just thinking about that hurts, and think, most people don't even use it.


I haven't made a claim on my homeowners ever...2 years and counting

I have made one claim on my autos' in 8 years...

I haven't made a claim on my motorcylce insurance ever...3 years and counting

I'm obviously still here so I haven't made a claim on my life insurance ever...

And sure I go to the doctor for annual checkups, but other than that(knock on wood) I haven't gotten really sick in a long ass time....


But my insurance company is getting rich off me.


What do you guys think?

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I pay about 4000 in all my insurance.


Sadly, until we can stop with these stupid mal-practice suites and have some form of health care for everyone our health insurance will NEVER go down.


Edit: You need another insurance company if you are paying that much for insurance for everything. Unless you have some crazy ass tickets, a huge house or something that you haven't stated yet. Take out me Health Insurance and I pay 1200 a year in other insurance, 700 a for my home owners (which covers up to 250,000 even though my house is only worth 100,000) and 500 for my '99 Jimmy with full coverage.

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I've never added it up, but I probably don't want to either. Add in malpractice for those that it's applicable to and your eyes will really bug out.


I'm more pissed about taxes. Mayor Coleman can go FUCK himself if he expects me to vote for a .5% increase. Threaten all you want you prick, go ahead and lay off the cops if you want. Shows how dumb you really are.


Oops.....sorry. Off my rant.


Side note, I carry zero deductibles on my cars for comp and $250 on collision. Basically because the amounts otherwise were not much different for higher deductibles.


Home owners paid out nearly $26k back in 2003 for hail damage. They kindly renewed my policy but with a deductible of $1000. Back on my claim it was only $250 :D

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No crazy tickets, no huge house, I mean its nice,but yeah.


I think its just being young, and having 2 kids.


And trust me, I have shopped around, some places wanted like a grand a year to insure my house... I pay $480. And some places wanted like $900 a year to insure my bike, I pay like $400, life insurance is optional but I have a ton of it and its a long term so you pay more, and health/vision/dental insurance on a family of four adds up. And we pay like $220/month for two cars with two drivers, not unreasonable given our age, and for some reaon a nissan minivan is expensive to insure...dunno why.



But yeah I agree, if only we could do something about our health insurance problems...

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I pay about 4000 in all my insurance.


Sadly, until we can stop with these stupid mal-practice suites and have some form of health care for everyone our health insurance will NEVER go down.


Edit: You need another insurance company if you are paying that much for insurance for everything. Unless you have some crazy ass tickets, a huge house or something that you haven't stated yet. Take out me Health Insurance and I pay 1200 a year in other insurance, 700 a for my home owners (which covers up to 250,000 even though my house is only worth 100,000) and 500 for my '99 Jimmy with full coverage.


Are you single? If so and you're at $4000, I'm not even double for 3 more people + life insurance + motorcycle insurance + another car, so not bad I guess.

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I'm more pissed about taxes. Mayor Coleman can go FUCK himself if he expects me to vote for a .5% increase. Threaten all you want you prick, go ahead and lay off the cops if you want. Shows how dumb you really are.


werd, i agree, I already pay extra for living in bexley, income and property taxes....ghey....

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werd, i agree, I already pay extra for living in bexley, income and property taxes....ghey....



We can use less cops on the freeway really. Cbus has plenty of State Troopers and the freeway patrol sitting around nailing people every 2 miles is a little much. Seriously. Between Troopers, Freeway Patrol, Sheriffs, Suburban cops, etc...we have plenty.


My .5% will go to buy me another gun and a CCW permit for the wife. /issue.

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well..for a year-


650 homeowners

1080 auto

1040 health/dental insurance ($40/E2W)


so...about 2800/yr


but, last year, i was in an accident, not at fault, but the other guys insurance wont pay for my medical until i sign a release and settle out. my insurance covered 5k of my medical (which his will reimburse eventually).


god forbid my house were to burn down, or i had a serious medical issue come up, im sure both would clear that 2800 in a heart beat.

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1380 a a year for both Regals - $100 dec on everything

$450 or so a year for homeowners

Health insurance (shit) roughly $5k a year. Dental/Vision is prolly $10 each a month also.

Life insurance for me - Free. Family . Few bucks a month.

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Are you single? If so and you're at $4000, I'm not even double for 3 more people + life insurance + motorcycle insurance + another car, so not bad I guess.



Didn't realize you had a family. ;) The way I took your post it was just you. That is very reasonable then.

When I was married my health insurance was double. I would pay 180 dollars a month for two people and that was through work!

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I'm more pissed about taxes. Mayor Coleman can go FUCK himself if he expects me to vote for a .5% increase. Threaten all you want you prick, go ahead and lay off the cops if you want. Shows how dumb you really are.



i'll be the first to say im not in 100% agrenence of Colemans agendas...

but honestly the city needs it. You arnt hurting coleman by not passing this tax, you are hurting the men and women who keep us safe at night.



The Columbus International Association of Fire Fighters(the CFD union) voted to not take their annual raise this year so that no one would get laid off and direct funds towards the city.


On top of that, they are in need of new apparatus. Medics pushing 150k mi, ladders that fail on a fire scene,10 year old fire gear, and all the other day to day expenses that come with protecting a city the size of columbus.


if this increase isnt passed you might personally find out what i means to be out of luck in a time of need...god forbid.


when you dont have the proper manning and equipment not only are you putting civil servants lives at risk, you are the endangering the publics safety and property conservation.


Its easy to say fuck that .5 increase until you see the direct effects.Until your house catches fire, your mom has a heart attack and calls 911 or your daughter breaks her leg. They are trying to be proactive not reactive.

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Makes me sick to see some of the amounts people pay for little to no claims.


Mines about 1100/year for the Cooper, and health/dental/vision is just over 50/mo.


not too bad


The problem with raising by .5 is itll never ever go back down, and they wont spend all that money on our firefighters :(


Like when companies starting cutting amounts of product w same price.... They never started putting things back to 'normal'

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6 cars here

wife + 2 kids--soon to be 3

monster life insurance policy

renter's insurance on our rental house in florida


and no accidents ever (knock on wood). no real claims on health insurance other than childbirth



yeah, i pay quite a bit per year

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