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What fuel do you use? (Shell, BP, Sunnoco?)


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Since the OP was asking for some kind of evidence...






How about a CR real-life gas test?


We have enough people here to get some really good data. Pick 3 or 4 brands, run each for 3 tanks worth, record mpg, overall car feel, pricing, etc. Any interest?

I would be down to give info to this test.

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Tried Speedway gas for the first time today, other than the pump shutting off really early (below 3/4 full?) all seems well. Went on a 50 mile mini trip after filling up, average mpg was 32+ thats mixed freeway/ city. Haven't tried any hard acceleration but seems quite smooth.


Edit: I usually fill up with BP/Shell/Sunoco/Mobil, for slow cars it doesn't seem to matter too much.

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I switch between Kroger, BP and Speedway. I use to use Sunoco all the time, but I switched to BP for a few tanks and got 2 mpg better than Sunoco on my daily driving route. Never went back.
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I switch between Kroger, BP and Speedway. I use to use Sunoco all the time, but I switched to BP for a few tanks and got 2 mpg better than Sunoco on my daily driving route. Never went back.


ROFL. That is a hardcore test you did there. For all you know, the wind was at your back that day or you followed a semi a little longer than usual. :rolleyes:

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ROFL. That is a hardcore test you did there. For all you know, the wind was at your back that day or you followed a semi a little longer than usual. :rolleyes:


No, this was done using my back and forth to work 8.5 miles each way with the occasional side trip to see a friend. Taking the same route in 85% urban driving, driving in my usual slightly aggressive manner. Switched from Sunoco to BP, then back to Sunoco. I filled up each time when my low-fuel light came on. Used the same pump at each stations for my 3 fill-ups at each station. Filled up plus two clicks each time.


Calculated the miles and the gallons used and I got a 1.9 mpg difference in favor of BP.


That hardcore enough for you now?

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I use sunoco 94 in the camaro, usually BP or sunoco in the silverado, BP credit card gives you 5% rebate on the purchase, sunoco is only 4%. Also for the shell guys, they are the largest importer of middle east towel head oil, sunoco is one of the smallest.
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with the occasional side trip to see a friend


Taking the same route in 85% urban driving, driving in my usual slightly aggressive manner.


I filled up each time when my low-fuel light came on.

Were you the same exact distance from the gas station each time?


Filled up plus two clicks each time.

Were these fill-ups made at the same time of day each time? (Read: same temperature)


That hardcore enough for you now?

Hardcore... maybe? However, when your results are something as specific as 1.9mpg, it's hard to overlook the multiple margins for variation in your testing.


When you're testing in real-world conditions with lots of variables (your own driving style, distance being some of them), saying "I noticed about a 5mpg difference on average" is a more acceptable answer to throw out. But when there are so many thing within and out of your control that may change the conditions between testing, you can't throw out "1.9 mpg difference" and expect all of us to take a hit from our cob pipes and say "mmm hmmmm, highly intriguing my good man."


Just my two cents. :cool:

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Since the OP was asking for some kind of evidence...






How about a CR real-life gas test?


We have enough people here to get some really good data. Pick 3 or 4 brands, run each for 3 tanks worth, record mpg, overall car feel, pricing, etc. Any interest?


Thanks for posting those articles but maybe the scientist in me is still looking for some sort of comparitive study. Both of those articles are more of marketing jargon "Here at BP we pride ourselves in quality fuel, yada yada".

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I used to avoid BP in any of my performance cars due to rumors of it having water, lower octane, blah blah blah we've all heard them. The reality now is that it's just habit for me to use other stations so why change? There's not one conveniently located by me anyway.


I used to use only Sunoco 94 in my M3 and FD, but the station by me changed brands. I've been using UDF/Mobil 93 in those cars and not had any problems (*knocks on wood*).


I honestly think that the individual station you use has more effect on getting "bad gas" than the brand. I look for a station that is relatively new so that there is a better chance the in-ground tanks aren't junk yet, and one that has regular traffic thru it so that my chances of getting old stale gas are more rare.

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When I worked for Maxton back in the day we had a horrible run of cars with clogged injectors and the only common link was they all used BP gas exclusively in their cars. Now this was 10+ years ago so alot may have changed with the quality of their product.


However old habits die hard. I use Sunoco if it's available (and because I own stock), Shell otherwise.



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When I worked for Maxton back in the day we had a horrible run of cars with clogged injectors and the only common link was they all used BP gas exclusively in their cars. Now this was 10+ years ago so alot may have changed with the quality of their product.


However old habits die hard. I use Sunoco if it's available (and because I own stock), Shell otherwise.






I was seeing this a lot at Saturn, only a year or two ago.. I would ask the owner specifically what brand of gas they run through their cars and typically BP is what was answered.


Not to mention, any time I've run it in any of my cars, they run like shit.

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Guest tbutera2112
The only way this thread can get better is by asking what brand of fuel is better for “Street Cars". :lol: I just don't see there being any real definitive outcome with this.


lmao win

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Were you the same exact distance from the gas station each time?

Were these fill-ups made at the same time of day each time? (Read: same temperature)

Don't remember distances exactly, but I believe I filled up every time on the way home from work, which was the same time every evening.


Hardcore... maybe? However, when your results are something as specific as 1.9mpg, it's hard to overlook the multiple margins for variation in your testing.


When you're testing in real-world conditions with lots of variables (your own driving style, distance being some of them), saying "I noticed about a 5mpg difference on average" is a more acceptable answer to throw out. But when there are so many thing within and out of your control that may change the conditions between testing, you can't throw out "1.9 mpg difference" and expect all of us to take a hit from our cob pipes and say "mmm hmmmm, highly intriguing my good man."


Just my two cents. :cool:


I tried to keep my variables to a minimum by only driving to work and. My side trips were usually kept to one to two trips per tank, which was 14 miles each way on a beltway with stop lights traveling no more than 60mph. (probably should've included that tidbit.) There is no way to control all variables but I tried to make sure they were at a minimum if I could help it.


My little experiment wasn't an attempt to be groundbreaking or the "be all, end all" on choosing your gas station. It stemmed from a conversation with friends about getting better mileage using other gas besides Sunoco because of the higher Ethanol percentage in their gas. I was just stating my results as more of a conversation piece than true fact. You can either drop your corn cob pipe in amazement or disregard everything I've said. It's no skin off my back either way. ;)

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I have been using Sunoco 94 exclusively since a station opened up less then 5 miles away from my house. If I absolutely need gas and no sunoco is available, shell is the gas of choice
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I was seeing this a lot at Saturn, only a year or two ago.. I would ask the owner specifically what brand of gas they run through their cars and typically BP is what was answered.


Not to mention, any time I've run it in any of my cars, they run like shit.



ROFL. Gas is gas. It's all the same, none better than that next. Most of the additives have the same ingrediants in them as well, nitrogen.


Saturn's problem is not BP gas, it's poor workmanship in Mexico making the AC delco injectors. Just propaganda.

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