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Please Keep Yasmin in your thoughts & Prayers


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Well....we got Bad news on Friday.


Previous biopsies had shown that the 2 sites that were cancerous were NOT invasive. When we got the Pathology results back it was actually found that there were 3 cancerous sites and all 3 were actually invasive.


What makes this worse is that they were not able to get "clear margins" in the first surgery...meaning they possibly left cancerous cells in her body.


At present we're debating having the surgeon go back in and see if there's anything else he feels he can take to see if they can get clear margins in order to continue on the treatment path we had previously chosen (no chemo or radiation). If they cannot get clear margins she'll def. need radiation and most likely chemo as well.


We'll know more after more appointments on Monday. I guess this Saga continues. I'll post updates as I know them.



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She goes back in for more surgery tomorrow morning to see if there's a possibility of getting any more tissue out. Then we figure out chemo and radiation suggestions.


Her results for Estrogen receptors were also the highest possible score you can get which means she's going to go through 5 years of hormone therapy.


Despite the turn of bad news lately she's holding her head high and ready to fight this with every means possible.



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Surgery #2 went well yesterday. The surgeon was very happy with the sample of tissue he was able to remove from the area in question from the origional Pathology report. We're holding out hope he was able to get a clear margin on the cancerous cells this time around. He advised that there's no tissue up there left to take and had to put in some cadaver tissue to help the healing process.


Yasmin's in additional pain but not nearly the levels of last week. She's resting and in decent spirits. We're all a bit on edge waiting for the next Path report to come back after getting bad news every step along the way.


I wanted to thank everyone again. There's been a great show of support from the CR community. Visitors, texts and PM's from those who have met her have really been a great help in keeping her mood up.



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my mom just got done with Chemo and radiation. They removed lympnodes on her side, but only 2 out of 18 were cancerous which I guess is good. She goes back in a month or so to get more tests done. Looks like they caught it early enough.


Sorry for your wife man :(.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Her reconstructive process is coming along well, her attitude is top notch, however we found out last week after finally getting the last test back from her Oncologist that she is going to need to go through Chemo.


She was always a borderline case for chemo but based on the results of her Oncotype DX test we've decided to pursue Chemo in order to insure that we've thrown everything at the disease possible to treat it now in order to not regret having doubts down the road.


It's a bit daunting to think that she'll still have a 1 in 10 chance of a reoccurrence even with the Chemo but we wanted no regrets when it comes to being as agressive as possible up front with the disease.


She starts her AC treatments next week. Is pretty well guaranteed to loose her beautiful head of hair within 10 days of the initial treament but will never loose her courage to fight on and keep a positive attitude.


Thanks for those of you who continue to reach out and ask about her. She doesn't post here but I assure you she reads quite often and thanks everyone for their support.



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My mom is currently in her personal battle with breast cancer, I'm disappointed I didn't see this thread sooner. She was fortunate enough to avoid a mastectomy but had a lumpectomy and is going to have to have more surgery and most likely some radiation treatments, though no chemo. I wish your wife the best and, if she hasn't found it already, I hope she finds a good support group to help her through this time.



I think CR would benefit from some sort of Fuck Cancer Crew. Maybe even set up a fund for families/friends of the forum who are going through similar situations but without the financial means to do so as comfortably as others.


EDIT: my mom's best friend also fought back cancer back in 2001 and accidentally (seriously) created a non-profit foundation after her cookbook-sales-for-cancer-fundraising got waaaaay more popular than she could've imagined.

""I've finished my treatments and now I'm waiting, holding my breath for that 5 year anniversary. Like Ed McMahon is really going to drive up that day and present me with some kind of certificate. Somebody asked me if, during this period I was considered 'cured' or in 'remission.' Neither one is accurate. I describe myself as 'Waiting to exhale.' My docs have me down as NED, or 'No Evidence of Disease.' So now, whenever I get that jumpy, anxious feeling when I feel an ache or a pain, I attribute it to 'NED-Head' and just keep going."


— Judith Melchreit"


teamtowanda.org is the site if your wife needs anything. its a great resource.

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