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Bike just went down by my house

Guest Hal

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40 something year old guy went down ~45-55 mph (speed limit is 25) on my street about 60 yards from a stop sign. No helmet and I'm assuming no other gear but I didn't see. He was conscious but in bad shape being taken to Grant.


Just another reminder this year to ride safe.

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22 years riding - not gone down yet.


...Did I just screw myself?


I rode for 13yrs before I sold my bike. Put it down once in a parking lot during my first year. Road-rashed my ego more than anything but other than that, got lucky.

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went down after 3 months of owning my bike. wasnt my fault though. don't ride over your ability, and watch out for cagers!!


ill never ride without a helmet ever again. if i hadnt had mine on when i wrecked i wouldnt have too much of a face left right now.

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