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How do you keep your spirits up?


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dang dude, so here's a thought... I remeber a post you made a while back talking about getting angry or something on the job and quitting or getting fired or something... so have you thought about trying a job out that is completely different than anything that you've ever done before? Maybe you're only looking in the classifieds for jobs that you've done before... maybe something completely new is exactly what you need.... know what I'm saying?
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i got one better for u guys my own dad fired me because my brother and i got into a arguement after work one day on the way home kinda a bad fight between us anyways here i am a month later no job no money my fiance pays for everything right now it really is shitty i just baught this 98 trans am with a ls1 in it i really wanted one we were down to 1 car so i baught this thinkng worst case i could get a job changing oil somewhere ha ha what a joke "FML" i cant find anything plus i live in johnstown nothing to do here
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Like Brian said spend some time at the dyno, thats what me and my son do, we lost his mother about 6 years ago in a car accident, we just try to make the best of it, you got to take the good with the bad and hope it gets better, Brian and his father are good people they wont mind the company, I did the drinking thing as well it dosnt help. me and my son build our car together, took about 5 years to get it were it is and the 1st time i take it to the track to race it was at NMRA a couple weeks ago, we did the true street class and wouldnt you know when they went on the road tour it went west on main st and turned arround at glen rests where my wife is buried, that fucked me up i counldnt even race my car , had to let my friend drive it , just remember you have your family and friends, i never dreamed when i went to work that day that she would never make it home! Hope things get better for ya...
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I try to stay busy with family and friends as much as possible. Volunteering is actually very rewarding, I have found. I hope that more people our generation discover this, as I think most of us 40 and under have been too money-focused, and the economy has us stressed.


Once you realize that a good time with your kids/friends/family can be out at a park or someone's house instead of shopping/restaurant/movie theater, you'll save money and have much more rewarding relationships with people.


CLIFFS: Do something positive and out-of-the-box (or out of your comfort zone) for someone else you love and care for.

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