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How do you stay positive?


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I look around me being of decent health, a sound mind for the most part and a new family I've created and I thank Jah that I'm alive to experience it. I've had a very trying life starting from an overly physical mother who liked to poke me with sharp objects at a young age so keeping positive was hard to say the least but... I manage. I don't even think on my end its so much being positive as being thankful as hell that I've got what I've got. Anyone who knows me and how I grew up or was 'raised' would understand.


I remember times when things got really dark and I draw comfort on knowing that I made it though that (with or without help) alright and that whatever is testing me now will pass also. There is just too much in life in my eyes to be thankful for to look on the negatives. Life is just way, way too short.

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Serious question for everyone:


Life is tough, throws a lot of pressure, stress and demands on us all. Sometimes it just bears down on us all and just sucks the life out of us.


What do you do to stay positive?

How do you fight focusing on the negatives and hard times?


Share what works. I could use the good reads. Sure many could.




I work off 5th ave and occassionally see the homeless guys on the side of the exit with a sign that says "will work for food etc...", trust me it can always be worse than whatever it is now. There are plenty of bad examples out there just pick one.

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Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw .... "You never see a motorcycle parked in front of a therapists office". Other than that I just take one day at a time. Being positive is a state of mind. It takes a lot of will power, but it can be done. One of the kids at school the other day hit my Camaro with another car in the auto tech lab. Once it was done it could not be undone no matter how mad I could have gotten. At least I know I can take it down to the Collision Repair class and get it fixed.
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Seriously, a nice cruise helps a lot.


Watching a funny ass movie, like SuperTroopers, always does the trick.


Smoking a cigar and having a beer is definitely a mind-clearer.


Sounds lame, but I love cuddling up with my girlfriend and just watching TV.

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