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Casinos in Ohio... It's official!


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So you are saying, as an urban dwelling, pencil pushing, never met a farmer voter, perhaps I am not qualified to make a decision that dictates nothing more in my monkey-sphere than the price I pay for my chicken?


That's not what I said at all. I'd prefer you not use the immature tactic of changing my words around. What I am saying is that it's painfully obvious that you actually had no clue about what Issue 2 actually does.

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Tim I think your wrong. People will gamble their money away chasing a dream of wealth long before they spend it on retail. Look At the lottery scam. People buy lottery tickets before they buy food.


I agree....and perhaps didn't make my point as clear as I should have. What I meant by my comment is that everyone is acting like this is the next coming of a great thing. My point is that people of Ohio are not going to be getting wealthy by gambling. Instead we will have a city of people pissing away even more money. You're right on....they will gamble before paying food or buying anything supporting the retail shops already in trouble.


I used to call on Indian Casinos and right now they are all feeling the hurt from the economy. So it's not like they are going to open up and be booming establishments from the get-go. The initial look-see experience will help, but let's face it, folks have less disposable income these days and that means less to piss away even.

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That's not what I said at all. I'd prefer you not use the immature tactic of changing my words around. What I am saying is that it's painfully obvious that you actually had no clue about what Issue 2 actually does.


You don't understand. I am repudiating myself. I was suggesting that my opinion and argument was influenced by the motives and hyperbole of the HSUS not personal experience making me the uninformed undereducated voter I riled against a few posts up.


My disagreement is not in line with the HSUS, I don't give a shit about animals other than my own. My point of contention is with the fact that I don't believe industries should regulate themselves, and I don't believe that it was necessary to write a constitutional amendment just to preemptively counter the will of the HSUS.

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Will there be some bad side effects? Probably. I'll take the bad with the good because I think its going to do us more good than harm.


It's not going to do "us" more good than harm. It will help the city and state via taxes, but it's not coming back to us. If you think it will good luck. The city isn't going to "reinvest" that money to help you or I. They will continue to mis-manage the revenue just as they have been doing for years now. It's not like they will all of a sudden reverse the income tax increase.

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You don't understand. I am repudiating myself. I was suggesting that my opinion and argument was influenced by the motives and hyperbole of the HSUS not personal experience making me the uninformed undereducated voter I riled against a few posts up.


My disagreement is not in line with the HSUS, I don't give a shit about animals other than my own. My point of contention is with the fact that I don't believe industries should regulate themselves, and I don't believe that it was necessary to write a constitutional amendment just to preemptively counter the will of the HSUS.


It's damn near impossible to argue with someone's political beliefs. All you can do is get them to understand the need for something.

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I just hope the funds aren't misappropriated.


Don't even waste the word Hope on that sentence. Those funds are mis-spent already. That's the whole reason the officials wanted the Casinos. I've been to my share of Casino ridden towns. No thanks. I guess why not join the crowds. IMO the state figures there are enough dumb as mindless people pissing away money into other things, why not let them do it in the slots here to benefit them.

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So what is the need for the board? I am receptive.


Because HSUS is deceptive in nature and will dupe people into voting for initiatives that kill farming in the state of Ohio. The results in Cali have been damn near catastrophic. HSUS goal is for the U.S. to be vegan in nature. Also, HSUS does not operate 1 shelter.


The board is also good because it can bring real sensible regulation to the Ag industry in Ohio. Right now the laws are written and passed by the general assembly.


in a nutshell.

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I agree that people like me should not be able to dictate rules and regulations of an industry I know zero about. I also agree that the HSUS and PITA should have little or no influence as sensationalist activists. I realize that they only have one of the 13 seats.


My question is why was it necessary to make a constitutional issue out of it?

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I agree that people like me should not be able to dictate rules and regulations of an industry I know zero about. I also agree that the HSUS and PITA should have little or no influence as sensationalist activists. I realize that they only have one of the 8 seats.


My question is why was it necessary to make a constitutional issue out of it?


HSUS and PETA get no seats on the Ohio Board. HSUS is not connected to actual humane societys in any way shape or form.


It was necessary to make it constitutional to be able to block actual ballot initiatives. I know what you are going to say

"But the rep who wrote the bill even said that HSUS can still make a ballot initiative". While that is true, it isn't the whole truth. All they can do is make a ballot initiative that alters the current constitutional amendment. In other words, all they could do is hack away at the board. The makes it much harder for them to pass ridiculous regulations while tricking the public. In other words, now for crazy rights activists groups like PETA and HSUS to get their dirty little hands in Ohio, they would have to convince the Ag industry here to eat itself from the inside.

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It's not going to do "us" more good than harm. It will help the city and state via taxes, but it's not coming back to us. If you think it will good luck. The city isn't going to "reinvest" that money to help you or I. They will continue to mis-manage the revenue just as they have been doing for years now. It's not like they will all of a sudden reverse the income tax increase.


It WILL help "us". I agree that there won't be any reversals of income tax increases, however it will prevent SOME further increases. State/city/county budgets are all still screwed and without a cash injection from something such as gambling, it's obvious that income taxes would have had to increase even more.

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And Chris/root you bring up very valid points as to why it shouldn't have passed the way it was. The problem is the "anti 3 ads" didn't bring up such logical cases. They basically said "Vote no on 3.... ITS THE DEVIL!!"


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It WILL help "us". I agree that there won't be any reversals of income tax increases, however it will prevent SOME further increases. State/city/county budgets are all still screwed and without a cash injection from something such as gambling, it's obvious that income taxes would have had to increase even more.


So it will go to perpetuating the misallocation of money that already exists and help us by delaying the future increases. I don't call that helping me much. We don't need to vote for a school levy. What we need to do is get the districts to become more efficient stop mis-spending money. My example of student registration.....is a solution I sell. It's a firm solution with proven and factual ROI, but the districts can't get the funding to pay for it because the powers that control it are too worried about little Johnny having to pay to play ball and looking bad in the news. Dumb.


Come see me at next weeks OSBA show and I'll show you how schools have tons of waste that need cleaned up and money that needs spent on better things that actually will help us.


I firmly believe we could give the tax collectors of the city/state ALL of our money and they still would be short. The answer isn't throwing more money at a fucked up system. That's like jacking your heat to account for poorly insulated windows and doors.


Tax rates can't keep going up as that's not going to fix the problem. And giving them increases in tax revenue by taking hard working people who piss away the money gambling isn't going to help either. It will just cause more depression, crime, bankruptcy and poorly performing retail.

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And Chris/root you bring up very valid points as to why it shouldn't have passed the way it was. The problem is the "anti 3 ads" didn't bring up such logical cases. They basically said "Vote no on 3.... ITS THE DEVIL!!"


I agree and thought those were ridiculous. There were far larger points of contention with this issue that could have been more successfully debated, but many of them appeal only to educated people or people willing to learn and pay close attention. Unfortunately, as any politician (or PR person) knows - you don't have to convince the educated, you have to convince the majority. In this case, the religious right took aim with morality and social issues and failed. When you're broke and jobless, the average ape could give a fuck about family values.

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I can.


Legalize gambling in such away that does not give exclusive rights to a single proprietor. Create a bidding process in which the municipality in which the casino is being built has control over the architecture, aesthetic, and location. Allow municipalities to set tax rates using the investment of the casino establishment as a metric. Allow individual counties to vote for or against inclusion.


In other words, do not allow he who stands to gain the most to modify the constitution to establish a legal monopoly.



What he said.

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