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Thank you Vets, Active, Reserve...


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Just wanted to thank my Brothers and Sisters out there for serving our nation. We don't always have to agree, but we do have to support those that are putting their lives on the line for our right to disagree.


I wouldn't trade my time on-board the USS Nebraska (SSBN-739), for anything in the world. The men and women that protect our country are some of our greatest assets and we owe it to ourselves to thank them.


Thank you, all of you, that have served or are serving the greatest nation there is.

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Went to Applebees for lunch. Lots of WWII vets, lots of vets all over but these guys are hardcore, bunch of oldsters. I even saw a guy in dress whites, he must have been 70.


I just got back from there. It's a great thing they're doing.


Here's a Ford commercial that was posted on anther forum, honoring us veterans. Take a minute to watch it:


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