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Debt free.

Trouble Maker

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Paid off my car about this time last year and started aggressively saving to pay off my student loan, my only remaining debt. I just submitted my payment of $10,979.88 to pay off my student loans. As soon as that payment goes through I'll be officially 100% debt free...


Now we can start saving up for a down payment for a house to go into debt again. All part of the plan, didn't feel it wise to go 100k+ in debt when I already had debt I could pay off before we buy a house.


Feel's good. :bangbang:

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I'm sure he was saving it for that reason. . not just "laying around"


Exactly. After I payed off my car I opened up a savings account specifically for this and started direct depositing $xxx/week. What was my car payment went into that savings account. Coincidentally I had also just moved into a place with my g/f and that saved some money, that went into the savings account. When how much I made changed for some reason I put that extra money in there.


A turbo blew on my car (s4) that I had basically just paid off and I sold it (didn't get that much with a wrecked front end, blown turbo and 175k). I did that because I knew that car would cost me more money than something more reasonable. So I bought Ben's wife's sunfire. That also allowed me to spend less on gas and insurance (dropped down to liability). I put that money into my savings account.


I wasn't joking when I said I was saving aggressively. 99TA, you could do the same thing too if you really wanted out of debt. It just takes making some hard decisions (like selling cars, not spending money on parts). This will help me with my long term and short term finical goals now that I have more of a focus on those.


But on the primary note, grats man! I hope to be debt free one day too, haha!


Thanks man! Just work at it and it will happen quicker than you think.

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Nice, I've got the mortgage, but not much most normal people can do about that.


Congrats though, definitely must've taken a big sacrifice to go from an S4 to a sunfire, don't know if I could've done that.

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Congrats! :)


I've been "debt free" for a few months now. A mortgage really doesn't count against saying you are "debt free". It was my goal before my child was born. All 5 cars, the boat, and one of my houses I own outright. Just have the mortgage on the one I currently live in, but I'll have that paid off in about 14 years. So before I'm 50, I'll have it paid off as well. The only credit I deal with is my PenFed card, and I pay that off every month and get a nice cash back bonus from them based on my purchases. Good luck finding a house! :)

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Nice!!! I've been putting any extra money I get on my car. It should be paid off here in the next 4-5 months (6-7 months early). It's hard to focus on the long term things like that, especially when the here and now side of things seems so much harder, but good things come to thoes who wait.
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