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Why are churches giving away bread?


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I have seen several of our local churches giving away bread and bagels. To the point they are holding signs days in advance of their giveaways outside their buildings. Is this an attempt to possibly get people in need of these items to also potentially join their congregation or is this some religeous thing?
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Atta girl, Rex.







Yeah it has to do with the Eucharist and communion and all the quotes about "breaking bread" but it doesn't have the same meaning as communion behind it.

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from what i can tell Kroger gives its almost expired bread or extras away to churches to give to the poor/needy.

That place has given out bread for awhile now. I am just wondering why I am seeing churches in more financially stable areas doing it.

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Alot of churches have food pantries that they give food boxes to the needy (and people who take advantage). However because stores like Kroger, Meijer, and a few others give free bread that's about to expire alot of churches give out bread on seperate occasions to get rid of it quicker.
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does it offend you that churches help people?


forget about the fact that it happens to be a church. Its just people helping people.


Are you this big of a douche nozzel in person?


I never got the idea that he was offended, more wondering/inquisitive than anything else.

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??? What are you talking about???

I promise you My store NEVER donated that much product.


They raised the donation level about a year ago. With the raised level and modified left over levels, panups got fucked up easily. Typically a GM or more experienced AM was hitting right around the donation level. Throw in the newer AM's and I saw a lot of wasted product. Really looks great on the P&L when your bakery op is super high too.


That's what I'm talking about.

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