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How long have you stayed awake?


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i worked 3 pm to 3 am on the 16th... went home slept for 3 1/2 hrs got up at 6:30 am.. dicked around the house then went on a ride for about an hr.. then been up since.. im ready to hit the bed.. auuggghh

I worked Saturday 5p to Sunday 6a. Sunday night 12a to Monday morning 2a. Monday morning 8a to Monday 4:30p. Tuesday 8a to Tuesday 4:30p. Tuesday 11p to well, whenever the fuck I get out of here.

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Are you salary?

No. I would've quit already if I were salary. Officially I think I'm salary exempt. Whatever it is, I make a salary plus overtime. The paycheck's nice, but dear God there's only so much my body can take. People are starting to show up in the office. I was just told I look like crap.


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44 Hours is my record, but I did 41.5 hours last Thursday into Friday. I got up at 5:30am for work and then worked 7a to 3p. Killed some time and left for my cousins house about 5pm. Stayed up and we left around Midnight for Lake Cumberland to go striper fishing, getting there about 6:20am. Fished from 7a-1pm and then got some food. I drove us back from just a bit South of Lexington to Waverly and dropped everyone off. Drove back solo to Canal and got to bed around 11pm ish.

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No. I would've quit already if I were salary. Officially I think I'm salary exempt. Whatever it is, I make a salary plus overtime. The paycheck's nice, but dear God there's only so much my body can take. People are starting to show up in the office. I was just told I look like crap.


Yay for you. Salary exempt FTW... now to convince my boss I need exempt status.

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47 Hours. Woke at at 6:30A went to class. Got home went to work. Packed. Jumped on the road at midnight. 12 hours to Amarillo from PHX. 3 hours in Amarillo to pick up my motorcycle that was recovered from being stolen. 12 hours back to PHX. Home by 4A. Then shower and food before I went to sleep around 5 30A.

1600 miles, 80 degrees when I left PHX. Rain and 40 by Flagstaff, Snow and 20 in New Mexico, 50 and Cloudy in Amarillo.

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I'm going on 24 hours right now..... and I have at least two more hours before I can even leave work to head home. I hate this shit. I need a new job.

damn man...i fell your pain, we have had some issues at work too, was here for about 40 hours the last time with a couple 20min power naps. :mad:

i hate that shit!!!

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No. I would've quit already if I were salary. Officially I think I'm salary exempt. Whatever it is, I make a salary plus overtime. The paycheck's nice, but dear God there's only so much my body can take. People are starting to show up in the office. I was just told I look like crap.


That sounds about right.. you need some adderall and 24 hrs will be a breeze

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the longest I ever stayed up was 72 hours, we were working down in florida on a high priority job, and there was this little strip club real close to the hotel that one of the guys met this girl so we went there after working all night every day for 3 days and spend all damn day in there, I was the designated driver... after the third day I told the guys to walk over I couldn't function any longer... the girls were nice tho....

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I worked Saturday 5p to Sunday 6a. Sunday night 12a to Monday morning 2a. Monday morning 8a to Monday 4:30p. Tuesday 8a to Tuesday 4:30p. Tuesday 11p to well, whenever the fuck I get out of here.

wow ben! that sucks..you do need another job..that catches up to you after doing that so long.

i've stayed up 24hrs before.. but that was when i was in h.s.. i'm old, and ready for bed early these days.

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