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Captain Phil - RIP


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Nathan and I started watching Deadliest Catch when it first aired. We fell in love with familys and the captains and the jobs that they do.


I dont know why, but this show feels so different to me, i feel like i sorta know these people. I respect them.


Captain Phil was always my favorite. Last year he suffered a blod clot from a a VERY large wave that hit the boat. He has had health problems since. Last week, he had a stroke, and was starting to get better, but tonight, he lost the battle and passed away.



May you find all the happiness you deserve in the great beyond. Your boys will carry on your legacy and learned well from you, even though they may not have been able to show it all the time.


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RIP Phil. Does anyone know when the next season starts? Do you think they will continue with him passing?


I would guess so.


Part of the point of the show is how dangerous the job is. Besides, I'm sure Captain Phil wouldn't want them to cancel the show about this large part of his life over his death. If anything continuing the show honors the man and the profession alike.

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Great show, Phil was one of my favorites, for sure. RIP.


Given that right now they are probably finishing up Opie season, either he made it through this season, or like last year, he wasn't on the boat. Red crab season starts in Oct/Nov, and Opie's are in Jan. so they've been filimng.

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New season airs april 4th.


He didNt go out for king or opie this season, his health was still an issue. I have no doubt discovery will do a awesome tribute to him. Nor do i think any of us will forget him. I think despite his love of the sea, he was happier being with his family at the end.

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Damn. That really sucks. He was one cool mother fucker and raised some hardworking kids.




RIP...my wife and I TiVo'ed and watched every episode. Captain Phil's habits made ME feel sick to my stomach, so I am sad to say that the blood clot/stroke/death wasn't a huge surprise to me. :(


Same here. It was upsetting sometimes to watch it.

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