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Liquors you can no longer drink


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Haven't been able to take down Jager since high school. Had it at a party, kid's parents showed up, and as I tried to put my sober face on and shake their hand I barfed all over the front lawn.


I tried it once since then in a Jagerbomb, but the taste still makes me twitch.

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2 or 3 of these and i black out. Every time though ive found myself come too out in the middle of a cornfield, naked, with Vaseline all over my ass.


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Fuck that shit


Yes. After a long night of drinking this shit in highschool, i was eating lunch at work the next day hung over as shit. I had been chewing peppermint gum all morning with out any problems, but while eating i stuck my gum on the tab of my pop can. The first drink i had of my pop that fucking peppermint gum came .01mm from my nose and i subsequently projectile puked in the break room....the sort of puke that came up so quickly, it suprised me. I would put money down that 9years later the break room in the easton bestbuy still smells like Dans hotdogs stand vomit and ice101.

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A few years back I drank a bottle of hennessy , I ended up being a asshole and wanting to hurt people. I ended up puking all over my friends room and did not even know it till the next day, people said I took my shirt off and layed it over the puke. Still to this day I do not remember shit . Now I just stay away from any burbon and wiskey.
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I've never liked any burbon, whiskey or tequila. No bad experiences, or any worse than any other time I've had too much to drink and puke. I just hate the way they taste.


The only one specific alcohol with a story is Barcadi O, and I love rum. Drank a few gallons of this in a few months time span and burnt myself out on it. In college senior year, so probably my highest alcohol tolerance point in my life. I would have 'fifth nights' were I would get a fifth of this shit and try to finish it on my own. I'd do that at least once a week. Carry around the bottle and a pop to swig.



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Can't do this anymore after I decided to chug half the bottle like a hard ass, black out, get sick, and wake up on the floor over 12 hours later feeling like a train wreck.



Now I enjoy most blended Canadian whiskeys, Crown, Black Velvet, and VO to name a few.

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The reason you can't drink that is because its VS.




I used to drink that shit like it was water when i was 20. now the smell makes my sick to my stomach.



^ thats my posion

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Why would you not be able to drink something again? Quitters.


I mean whats wrong with stoping at the third bar of the night, puke outdoors, sit for a few minutes, go outside to puke again then resuming drinking?


Schmel can vouch.

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fuck this...used to drink the shit out of it in high school...really, its the first thing i ever drank...i didnt even like beer until i was 21-22ish. but we used to get the big bottles of this, me and a buddy, and drink shots chased by coke. so fucking sick when i think of it now...and to think i switched from CM to 151 and didnt really have an issue with that


but any more i love to drink redbull + svedka vodka, rum shots of bacardi superior, bacardi limon/big apple/watermelon usually with sprite

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Fuck this and anything cinnamon


I hear you on this. I'll do a shot once in a great while but the smell makes me sick. A few good/bad nights on this stuff done me in.

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Fuck this and anything cinnamon


haha, I second that... Junior year prom night Mahle chugged this and chased it with JD. He died. True story

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No liquor specificly, but I'll never do shots at a party again. Last time I took a shot anywhere other than a bar was when I was 19. I haven't got a fucking clue what those assholes put in the shots, but I woke up buck naked in my kitchen sink, and the last thing I remember from the night before was some dude screaming about Muppets and running headfirst into a steel security door. Apparently a few other people found themselves in odd places that morning, too.
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Can't do Jack Daniels anymore. Me and three other dude polished off a handle in a night when i was 18. I didn't recover for a full two days.


I can't drink shitty vodka either. My friend and I did Korski and Mountain Dew one night in college. He ended up blacking out on his coffee table while I somehow stumbled across OWU's campus to my girlfriend's place where I apparently would go from a racing heartbeat to literally no pulse, with intermittent vomiting. The next morning it felt like someone took a steel rake and dragged it across my insides.

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You had $600 lying around to waste on that swill?



I can no longer drink 151 for reasons unknown to me. I just know that the 1 night I got carried away on it, I don't remember anything except the next morning I swore I'd never drink 151 again. My friend slept in a pool of his own puke...on a carpet. That he puked on in 4 places.






Also, I have no desire to ever fuck with Everclear again.

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