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Thank you

V8 Beast

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Excuse me while I rant...


Thank you hospitals for charging $25 for 1 tylenol. If I would have known it would cost that much I would have asked for a hand job with it.


Thank you ambulance companies for being able to charge $700 for one 20 minute trip in your uncomfortable vehicle. For that price you would think I was being dropped off in a stretch hummer.


Thank you people that get care and dont pay your bills. You get to be the excuse and reason to validate my wallet raping.


Thank you insurance companies for contributing to my wallet being raped while taking your cut off the top and blaming it on doctors like you are innocent.


Thank you company that employs me for going cheap and changing my insurance to one with a triple digit deductable.


I just keep telling myself that there are a lot of people in the world, doing worse than me that would gladly take my problems. Lighter in the pocket, not cured but stronger in spirit I move on and count my blessings.




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Medical bills piss me off.


The $3k it cost us to have my daughters ear tubes removed after they told us they'd fall out on their own. Of course they couldn't be removed outpatient like when they were put in.


Our insurance used to be lots better too. All of us now have to hit our individual $500 deductible, and as soon as I get offered insurance at my new job I have to take it or pay a surcharge on my wife's. Such bullshit.

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Medical bills piss me off.


The $3k it cost us to have my daughters ear tubes removed after they told us they'd fall out on their own. Of course they couldn't be removed outpatient like when they were put in.


Our insurance used to be lots better too. All of us now have to hit our individual $500 deductible, and as soon as I get offered insurance at my new job I have to take it or pay a surcharge on my wife's. Such bullshit.


Individual $1000 deductables and 20% responsibility until we reach $2000 a piece. Used to be no deductable and 100% paid other than the co-pay. We went from one of the best to middle grade so that the big wigs could put more money in their pockets. I love how they blame the economy right before bragging about record gains in the next breath.

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Individual $1000 deductables and 20% responsibility until we reach $2000 a piece. Used to be no deductable and 100% paid other than the co-pay. We went from one of the best to middle grade so that the big wigs could put more money in their pockets. I love how they blame the economy right before bragging about record gains in the next breath.



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My $4000 out of pocket deductible is great. We have an HSA to pay that, I put $250 in it each month and my work puts in 2K a year. I like being more responsible for my heath care instead of pissin' money away to ins companies just so you can only pay $20 twice a year to see a doctor. My premium is low (low enough that the $2k they contribute to my HSA offsets almost completely the premium I pay, all but $16). My HSA money I get to keep always. I can use the account to pay for over the counter stuff too. I pay no taxes on that money. Fuck the co-pay plans. I basically lower my taxes, and have no worries about health care because the money is always there. I have been on this plan for 2 years now and am about to lower my contribution per month because the balance is high and I can invest that money better now, while still being covered. Plus I'm used to the deduction, so the money going into a Mutual Fund will seem no different. Edited by Benjamin
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Individual $1000 deductables and 20% responsibility until we reach $2000 a piece. Used to be no deductable and 100% paid other than the co-pay.


1500 then 20% until we hit $6000 here. Add to that the couple hundred in premiums every pay, and it gets funny.


Gets worse every couple of years.

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Guest 614Streets
I'm waiting to see how much $$$ pain I'll be going through soon. I think my heart is seriously fucked up so I'm off to see a doctor in the morning. Ugh.


Just curious what makes you think your having heart problems? Definately a good idea to get that checked out homeslice!

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Brian what the hell did do you do that required a squad?


Thought I had gall stones since I was in pain for almost 2 weeks after eating certain foods. The hospital didnt have the ultrasound machine in their ER so they suggested I be taken too another hospital. $700 dollars later (while my wife followed in our car :mad: ) I made it to the other hospital. Found out it was inflamation and irritation. One good thing is the lady in the back that took my vitals every 3 minutes was hot...not $700 hot but hot none the less.

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1500 then 20% until we hit $6000 here. Add to that the couple hundred in premiums every pay, and it gets funny.


Gets worse every couple of years.


thru alliance? i thought they told us this year all but like 2 options of all the medical plans had gone DOWN in cost this year.


i know if i stuck with my same plan as last year, it went down $2-3...i opted for a different plan thats like $7/biweekly less than my old plan

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