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Your rights....

V8 Beast

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If the government was to put up cameras in public places that saved the memory for two weeks would you be ok with that? I know a lot of you feel its an invasion of privacy, but it could come in handy. If something happens you could have video of all the cars an people in the area around the time things happen. All of these criminals would be on tape and in some instances easily convicted. Stolen cars tracked from camera to camera to their destination... criminals followed home after they rob people... What do people that are against it think the government would do with the cameras that would violate your privacy? I'm not for or against it, I'm just curious.
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Criminals are never going to be afraid of the government slapping them on the hand. Until criminals are afraid of law abiding citizens, we will continue on the same path we are on and the government invading our privacy isnt going to change anything other than the level of taxes we pay.
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COmpletely fine with it. Chicago has the most complete camera system in the US and was just featured on the news a few weeks back. They even outlined several cases how they used the cameras, with access to both public and private systems to catch several criminals. The police there have an elaborate access system into cameras at banks, public buildings, etc...and of course city owned cameras. I'd have to google it but it was a very interesting artical.


Next time you're in Chi-Town, just remember, you will be seen pretty much no matter where you are at.

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I say we go to a 3 strike policy, 3rd time doing any of like crimes you are sent to prison for life, if you then fuck up in prison, you are put to death. People will stop fucking up real quick.


Life in prison = more taxes as well. I would be for that too.. but then some guy that stole 3 peices of gum is eternally living on my dime.

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COmpletely fine with it. Chicago has the most complete camera system in the US and was just featured on the news a few weeks back. They even outlined several cases how they used the cameras, with access to both public and private systems to catch several criminals. The police there have an elaborate access system into cameras at banks, public buildings, etc...and of course city owned cameras. I'd have to google it but it was a very interesting artical.


Next time you're in Chi-Town, just remember, you will be seen pretty much no matter where you are at.


Doesn't Chicago also have one of, if not the highest crime rate in the country? Didn't they just get passed over by the Olympics committee for being so shitty, and instead picked Rio which has military fighting drug cartels publicly in the streets?


Should we also mention London, which not only has an all out ban on any kind of gun in the entire country, but also has the largest camera network out of anywhere, and their crime rate is doing nothing but going up.


So yes, having a massive invasion of privacy in order to NOT help stop crime sounds like such a wonderful idea. Lets give the police the opportunity to do LESS work, only to not have any kind of a positive outcome.


The ONLY way to bring crime down to any kind of minuscule level would require the breakdown of the Bill of Rights. I'd rather keep my rights and live knowing that some day I could be wronged by another man, rather than be oppressed forever by the government.

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Public Monitoring in Public Spaces is fine by me. If some big government agency really wants to see me picking my nose in public, they're welcome to.


But if they want into my home, they have another think coming.


And if they do this so they can ticket me for hooning around when the only neck I'm risking is my own, they can eat shit and die.

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If you commit more than 2 crimes your penis will be cut off. If you are a woman your clitoris removed and vagina sewed shut. I wonder how much crime that would stop.. Or would it just make for really sexually frustrated criminals.
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Criminals are never going to be afraid of the government slapping them on the hand. Until criminals are afraid of law abiding citizens, we will continue on the same path we are on and the government invading our privacy isnt going to change anything other than the level of taxes we pay.


Yup. In my current mindstate...I will take more CCW citizens in our society than cameras.

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We need more punishment. The revolving door prison and judicial system is obviously no deterrent.


This would be the best bet, but to many people flip out over the truth. The problem is that freedom has been taken to far and the justice system is now soft.


Bring on the cameras AND tougher punishment for those want to be criminals.

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This would be the best bet, but to many people flip out over the truth. The problem is that freedom has been taken to far and the justice system is now soft.


Bring on the cameras AND tougher punishment for those want to be criminals.




Like how people piss and moan when they get a speeding ticket. Personally, I'm ok with it. I fucked up and got busted, my bad. I also think we need a cop every other block to keep the retard drivers at bay.

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Like how people piss and moan when they get a speeding ticket. Personally, I'm ok with it. I fucked up and got busted, my bad. I also think we need a cop every other block to keep the retard drivers at bay.


People today want to blame everybody but who they should for THEIR problems. The lack of personal accountability in the United States today is disturbing. This applies across the board from the people who don’t put shopping carts in the corrals, all the way to wanting to blame others for their kids being fucking assholes.

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Like how people piss and moan when they get a speeding ticket. Personally, I'm ok with it. I fucked up and got busted, my bad. I also think we need a cop every other block to keep the retard drivers at bay.

The problem with this is that they need to actually get off their asses and DO SOMETHING about retard drivers, rather than reading a book waiting for their radar guns to beep.


SPEED doesn't kill, it's differences in velocity.

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I’m against it 100%. It's all BS IMO. Saying that it’s for use to help find criminals like drug dealers, murders, rapists etc. is just to scare people into thinning its okay. I know some good could come of it and it’s nice to think that with just a little technology we could crack down on crime and get rid of the “bad guys”, but I also know that bad will come of it too. Law enforcement is just another business looking to make a profit. It’s not going to catch and rid Columbus of robbers and criminals but it will generate income for the city when they start handing out traffic violations for failing to stop completely before making a right hand turn on red. You get a $120 speeding ticket because some ass hole cut you off so you buzz around him at 65 in 35 mph zone. Did you break the law? Yes, does it make you a criminal? Fuck no, it happens and most people have done it. “Oh but it’s just for catching the bad guys who rob and kill people” :rolleyes: don’t be so naïve. It takes one court case to rule that breaking the law is breaking the law and if a car thief can be caught using the cameras, then they shouldn’t turn a blind eye to “reckless driving” or illegal parking.


Everything evolves into something else. Let’s allow cameras on our city streets, now lets allow cameras in any section 8 or government funded housing. Think of all the crack heads and domestic violence we could get ride of! If you say no to this idea, you’re some hippy who supports crack heads, domestic violence, thieves and other criminals! Ummm, no. I handle my own business I don’t need the police or government to step in and take care of me…

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Look I'm no criminal, but I have "broken the law". I speed probably weekly, hell this morning I was doing 75 in a 65 and if I were to get pulled over for it, I would pay the ticket and move on. But what make this such a great country is that I have the freedom to speed. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!


Hell, if all this was about was to help cut down on speeders, why not just set the speed governor to 70 MPH in cars. After all, if you ever go above 70 you're speeding and breaking the law. So if you're against that idea, then you must support illegal activity!



How many of you have gone and bought fireworks then signed the piece of paper saying that you're taking them out of state, only to drive 30 minutes back home and set them off in your residential neighborhood? You fuckin criminals you just broke the law! What’s wrong with you?

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People today want to blame everybody but who they should for THEIR problems. The lack of personal accountability in the United States today is disturbing. This applies across the board from the people who don’t put shopping carts in the corrals, all the way to wanting to blame others for their kids being fucking assholes.


The problem with this is that they need to actually get off their asses and DO SOMETHING about retard drivers, rather than reading a book waiting for their radar guns to beep.


SPEED doesn't kill, it's differences in velocity.

differing opinion, i come from a family of those in enforcement. Not all cops are fat lazy assholes but they are required to DO THEIR JOB, which includes issuing tickets.


Though I do love those who cry about cops having more important crimes to fight like murder and etc. The statistics would absolutely shock many if they realized how many other crimes are solved by simple traffic stops. Do you think those drug runners, murderers and kidnappers have a flag on their car alerting cops they need pulled over? NO! Many times a simple traffic stop leads to MUCH MUCH more.


Fact is, you speed, run a stop sign, etc you get busted for it. OWN UP!

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Doesn't Chicago also have one of, if not the highest crime rate in the country? Didn't they just get passed over by the Olympics committee for being so shitty, and instead picked Rio which has military fighting drug cartels publicly in the streets?


Should we also mention London, which not only has an all out ban on any kind of gun in the entire country, but also has the largest camera network out of anywhere, and their crime rate is doing nothing but going up.


So yes, having a massive invasion of privacy in order to NOT help stop crime sounds like such a wonderful idea. Lets give the police the opportunity to do LESS work, only to not have any kind of a positive outcome.


The ONLY way to bring crime down to any kind of minuscule level would require the breakdown of the Bill of Rights. I'd rather keep my rights and live knowing that some day I could be wronged by another man, rather than be oppressed forever by the government.



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