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STi Ben....here's iPad Candy for you


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I only have a wi-Fi iPad. :(


I may get one....am looking into this set up. My new job is going to get us all iPads :cool:


I can use this with my Verizon WiFi Hot spot they gave us all too. HUGE GPS and Internet while I roll in the MS3 :bangbang:

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No gps in the wi-fi hoss. Only tower and wi-fi triangulation.





I'm on a call with our CEO next week. I know we're Piloting a few new things with Apple.....will have to check on this with him. It's still a cool tool for what we're going to be doing with it.

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The 3G version has GPS.


I bet that's what we're getting then. He's a huge Apple nut and has history there. When I started there he saw me carrying an iPhone and a Black Berry and about slapped me. Now there are a ton of us using our iPhones. He said we will eventually ditch all the BB's for good. In the field and Doctor's offices, we don't need a full PC. Our internal team has iPhone apps in the works for us too.

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One good launch, and that Ipad will be in the backseat


There is no good launch in my MS3 :o FWD and it's torque make for a useless 1st gear. Although I have tossed my iPhone from it's AC Vent clip in 2nd :D

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