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Red Bull gives you wings.

Habitual Sinner

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lol. i feel like i am sometimes... i do crave it every now and then, and certainly love drinking it...usually grab one at the checkout if im at the grocery or before any long car trip


never drink to excess though less its mixed with vodka

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eee some days i think monster is better some days red bull.


i just had another BFC monster can ahhhh mmmm


Is that why you twitch? LOL J/K (no offense)


But seriously, when I used to drink red Bull all day, all my friends said I had a twitch. I never noticed I was doing it though.

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Monster tastes like piss water mixed with Mountain Dew.


Redbull is decent, best when mixed with Jager or 3 Olives Cherry Vodka.


Rockstar is where it is at.


Notice at Speedway they always have racks of Monster that is never sold, yet they struggle to keep Rockstar in stock (sometimes out of stock...ugh). If only they'd dump a row of Monster and put Rockstar in its place, they could have happier customers.

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Monster tastes like piss water mixed with Mountain Dew.


Redbull is decent, best when mixed with Jager or 3 Olives Cherry Vodka.


Rockstar is where it is at.


Notice at Speedway they always have racks of Monster that is never sold, yet they struggle to keep Rockstar in stock (sometimes out of stock...ugh). If only they'd dump a row of Monster and put Rockstar in its place, they could have happier customers.


You had the new Rockstart Recovery yet? It's non carbonated and tasted like lemonade. It's pretty good stuff.

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I start the day off with either 3 espresso shots, 6 cups of coffee, or a sugar free NOS depending on my mood. If I don't do this for 2 hours after I am awake I murder everyone who says hi to me.
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I can say that I am addicted to Red Bull. The whole side door of my fridge is filled with red bull cans and I must have one in the middle of the day in order to function. I have tried to cut back so many times,but I become very lazy without it. I heart Red Bull!
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Has anyone ever had an addiction to it?


I'm heavily into coffee and two B12's. Wife is so bad that she gets major headaches without a cup or two in the morning.


Redbull sucks serious balls.....


Get yourself some GOOD espresso and call it a day.


^^ Truth. We started grinding our own beans and now added an expresso machine to the kitchen.


I literally drank it all day, every day for a year and a half. No water, soda, juice, anything. Only Red Bull.


Your kidneys likely hate you.


I have tried to cut back so many times,but I become very lazy without it. I heart Red Bull!


I've been hitting up 5hr energy in the afternoon along with a diet Mountain Dew. Otherwise I tend to fade fast after lunch. Key for me is to drink the 5hr energy about 15 minutes before lunch but not much more or I get dizzy.

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I'm heavily into coffee and two B12's. Wife is so bad that she gets major headaches without a cup or two in the morning.




^^ Truth. We started grinding our own beans and now added an expresso machine to the kitchen.




Your kidneys likely hate you.




I've been hitting up 5hr energy in the afternoon along with a diet Mountain Dew. Otherwise I tend to fade fast after lunch. Key for me is to drink the 5hr energy about 15 minutes before lunch but not much more or I get dizzy.



2 Words: French Press.


Honestly makes about the best cup of coffee you are likely to have. Grind fresh, and enjoy the aroma and amazing head of caramel-esque foam that appears. Press and enjoy.


I keep a press and grinder at work, due to my hours, and so I'm not forced to drink the swill they call coffee. Usually have 4-5 varieties of beans at any time.

Currently sitting on some freshly roasted Kopi Luwak & Kona for next week.



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2 Words: French Press.


Honestly makes about the best cup of coffee you are likely to have. Grind fresh, and enjoy the aroma and amazing head of caramel-esque foam that appears. Press and enjoy.



I've been wanting one...it's on my list to get for work :cool:

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