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Best supplements to take to lose weight

John Bruh

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First off I know there are some bodybuilders on here and people that work out frequently and take supplements, so im looking to you guys for help. I want to start taking them and work out (but I work a lot and have limited time to hit the gym).


I really have never taken any supplements, shakes, pills or anything like that to help me get into shape and I want to do this now.


I'm 5'11 weigh 225 and really want to cut the weight down to like 180-185.


What are the best supplements to take, to help burn fat, curb appetite, give me energy?


I was on a bodybuilding site and this is what i found


Just look at products to try and get these ingreidients in one bottle.


Yombine: Gets the blood pumping, increases sex drive, and burns fat


Octopamine / synephrine: Apetite suppressant and stimulant


Evodiamine: Inhibits fat abosrption through diet


Caffeine: Give you energy and converts to paraxanthine in the body helping increase lipolysis


guggelesterones: increase t3 to help increase metablosim


L-canitine: Amino acid key for helping fat be burned in the cell


CLA: natural fatty acid fat burner


If you can find all these in one product good luck! most likely would need two-three different bottles


I also called a GNC Store and talked to the guy about what im trying to do and he suggested trying D4. http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4030456.


anyone have suggestions?

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Eat good and workout.


I am drinking almost exclusively water right now to get back into shape and lose a few #s. Cut most pop, juice and alcohol out of your diet and it will help alot, if you drink very much right now.


I don't really believe in supplements but I'm not a body builder either. I'm sure they work, but why unless you are trying to push yourself to 110% of your natural capabilities? If your just trying to lose weight and get in shape I say just eat good and exercise! Supplments to make it happen quicker or easier just seems lazy.

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i did quit drinking pop for 2months. I felt better but didnt lose any weight. I am trying to eat healither and not eat as much (alot of the time i would eat until i was full, and doing this i always over ate). And i have quit drinking pop again.


I know with my life and work week i will need something other than the steps i am taking.

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do you personally take it?

I have and lost weight (~60lbs) while taking it, but I think it was mostly placebo effect.


I wasn't even taking half the dosage they recommend because it made me jittery. I reduced my calories and was a little more active, though not actually working out. I'm sure that diet change and willpower were the most effective part of my progress. I lost another 20 lbs years later without taking anything. It was harder to do, requiring real exercise, but that's not suprising. It's alot easier to go from 260 to 200 than 210 to 190 anyway. It will get harder as you near your goal weight.


"Follow your dreams. You can achieve your goals. Look at me, I'm living proof - BEEFCAKE!!!"


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if you really need a thermagenic i'd go with hydroxycut hardcore.. there is a reason its the #1 selling one in America.




the easiest way to drop weight is hardwork and nutrition.


there is 3500 calories in a pound.. so:


1-find your daily caloric needs (example:2800 calories a day needed to maintain current weight)

2-subtract 500 per day(2300 calories a day CLEAN FOODS, 40% of calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 20% from good fats)

3- 500 calories off a day for 7 days = losing one pound per week.


^ modify that as you see for harder gains, ie 1000 calorie deficit a day. . etc.

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it's all about what you put into it, people seem to think you can take a pill and it will magically make it go away. You have to work your ass off to get where you want to be, and no it won't be easy.
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^word.. it's hard. very hard.


also, if you are trying to drop fat quick, the best cardio believe it or not is not your typical 45 minute run at 6 mph or whatever.. but rather HIIT, or high intensity interval training.


a good quick 15 minutes, and you burn off much more fat, while minimizing muscle loss.


i usually do a 5 min warmup on the treadmill at 6 mph, then 1 minute at 10, 1 minute at 7, 10 minute again at 10, back to 7, etc..


another good one is called 30's, where you sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, and continued for 12-15 minutes.

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^word.. it's hard. very hard.


also, if you are trying to drop fat quick, the best cardio believe it or not is not your typical 45 minute run at 6 mph or whatever.. but rather HIIT, or high intensity interval training.


a good quick 15 minutes, and you burn off much more fat, while minimizing muscle loss.


i usually do a 5 min warmup on the treadmill at 6 mph, then 1 minute at 10, 1 minute at 7, 10 minute again at 10, back to 7, etc..


another good one is called 30's, where you sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, and continued for 12-15 minutes.


30-30's is a popular track workout. you run 200m repeats in 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest. Its a bitch but you can bust out like 30 of them.

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if you really need a thermagenic i'd go with hydroxycut hardcore.. there is a reason its the #1 selling one in America.




the easiest way to drop weight is hardwork and nutrition.


there is 3500 calories in a pound.. so:


1-find your daily caloric needs (example:2800 calories a day needed to maintain current weight)

2-subtract 500 per day(2300 calories a day CLEAN FOODS, 40% of calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 20% from good fats)

3- 500 calories off a day for 7 days = losing one pound per week.


^ modify that as you see for harder gains, ie 1000 calorie deficit a day. . etc.


A friend/coworker did this to the extreme, i think his daily caloric intake to maintain his weight was 2300-2500ish so he cut it to 1000 calories a day. Which is like a bowl of special k, salad and a small SMALL dinner. all while on p90x, he cut alot of weight but i dont know how safe or healthy it is to cut your calories that drastically and you'd probably be really weak after a while.


Your best bet is to research and make your own mealplan and stick to it. Im sure you could hire a personal trainer to help you make one, might be cheaper than seeing them daily too. I use to go to Brianna Tinsley, she was great (read:hot) and cheap.

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lmao at the research chemicals.


They are still a schedule 3 drug kevin r.



The idea behind most weightloss pills is to increase your bodies natural thermogenic activity. In turn this will speed up your metabolism causing your thyroid to run on over time. Doing this for prolonged periods of time will cause your thyroid to stop working. I have seen first hand a lot of these cases in competing figure girls. Now they must take synthroid for the rest of their lives and have a hard time keeping weight off.



There are ways of doing it with out the use of thermogenics. There are natural ways, cinnamon, white willow bark and yohimbine bark will all do the same thing. maybe not as drastic but coupled with a good diet and some kind of activity you will see results without the sides.


I would suggest doing some research into CARB timing. This will allow your body to metabolize food at a much faster pace.


Anything made by cellucore is trash i wouldnt wast my money.


Try this, the owner is a very stand up guy. He backs all of his products.



Edited by 2pointslow
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