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Was your favorite Dinosaur the Triceratops? Yeah, about that...

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Is t-rex still real I like that one the best, with those short arms and bad temper it was like a pissed off retarded kid. (yes I know I am going to hell for that :) )


Sorry to burst your bubble but the Tyrannosaurus Rex was recently deemed a scavenger.. not a big badass predator :(

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Is t-rex still real I like that one the best, with those short arms and bad temper it was like a pissed off retarded kid. (yes I know I am going to hell for that :) )



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Sorry to burst your bubble but the Tyrannosaurus Rex was recently deemed a scavenger.. not a big badass predator :(


Truth. He's also not the biggest Theropod anymore, there are two species believed* to be bigger. Spinosaurus has the title now at 60ft.


*Believed; The specimens found were bigger. If a bigger t-rex ever lived, we haven't found it yet.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but the Tyrannosaurus Rex was recently deemed a scavenger.. not a big badass predator :(


There's actually still some debate on that. Besides, even modern day scavengers will attack and kill live prey given the opportunity. Also, don't let the name 'scavenger' throw you off. The name tends to bring on visions of skittish shit or buzzards, things we tend to think can't kill something themselves. Something like the TRex was built not just to eat some leftover shit, but to take yours from you; forcefully.


The Triceratops was definitely one of my fav herbivores. I drew so many pics with scenes of Trex and Tricera fighting when I was younger.

This whole event reminds me of a book or Isaac Asimov weekly short story (I dont remember for sure) where this guy (Ill try to remember enough to give the 'gist') visits the Earth in the future where they've found things from our time. In the 'museum' one of the 'extinct' creatures on display is actually mostly made from toilet bowl parts. Many of the displays are miscreated and mislabeled remnants from our time.

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