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CCW + drinking...(not what you think)


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At least he is honest. I'll +rep for that. I have carried into places to eat that serve beer. That law is only stopping people like me from saving the lives of others when some boopa fudgepie wants to go retard with a gun on everyone.
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I like how he went back to change his post about how many beers he will drink from 3 to 2 a) after it was quoted and b) like 2 is any better for his arguement..


your right. but after your post i sat and thought about it. and i don't think ive ever had more than 2 beers, carrying into a resturant or bar.

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Not that i would condone any breaking of the law when it comes to ccw, but i can say i dont have as much of an issue if you want to go into applebees to eat and carry your gun, as long as youre not drinking. Maybe the law will pass...who knows


But drinking 2 beers, 3 beers, or 24 beers while armed is bad mmmkay?

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I just like it when you here the stories of how a off duty officer or someone else was carrying in a mall etc where you are not suppossed to carry and they take out someone who started shooting the place up... Seems like everyone looks the other way when the person breaking the law ends up saving many lives...



I would say if you are going to drink at all seperate the ammo from the gun and lock the gun and ammo in a spot in your car where you can not get to both of them

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I just like it when you here the stories of how a off duty officer or someone else was carrying in a mall etc where you are not suppossed to carry and they take out someone who started shooting the place up... Seems like everyone looks the other way when the person breaking the law ends up saving many lives...



I would say if you are going to drink at all seperate the ammo from the gun and lock the gun and ammo in a spot in your car where you can not get to both of them


Off duty officers can carry almost anywhere. I believe the few limitations are courts, airports, stuff like that. My brother is an officer and unless he is drinking or getting on a plane you can count that he has at least one on him.

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Off duty officers can carry almost anywhere. I believe the few limitations are courts, airports, stuff like that. My brother is an officer and unless he is drinking or getting on a plane you can count that he has at least one on him.


I know off duty can but there are stories time to time how its just a average joe...

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I just like it when you here the stories of how a off duty officer or someone else was carrying in a mall etc where you are not suppossed to carry and they take out someone who started shooting the place up... Seems like everyone looks the other way when the person breaking the law ends up saving many lives...



I would say if you are going to drink at all seperate the ammo from the gun and lock the gun and ammo in a spot in your car where you can not get to both of them


Well you didnt say average joe, you said off duty cop

But as stated above, they can carry just about anywhere while orf duty. They still serve and protect



sorry i will try and be specific next time :)

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like i said from the get go.



some people are able to drink and handle theirselves. You must not be one of them.


I am not admitting to one thing one way or the other. That being said, as the law stands, I agree the law SHOULD be as it is, not drinking and carrying a gun. I know people that drink to get stupid and choose not to control themselves (which seems to be the majority) which is why we need laws like this. However, if somone stops by a freinds house and has a beer while he is carrying, I don't look down on them for it so long as they aren't an idiot. I have friends who I wouldn't blink an eye at for carrying and having a beer with me. Then there are others just just shouldn't own a gun at all, let alon drink with one...

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You cannot be in possession of the gun, period if you have been drinking. Even if it is in your car and you are in the car with it, they consider it possession. No matter how it is locked up. It's pretty messed up, but they will catch you on a technicality.
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whats the point in drinking anyways? you people cant have a good time unless youre impaired?


beer tastes better than pop.


When someone says you can't be in posession of a firearm if you have been drinking, what's the time constraint on that? If I have been drinking 3hrs ago? What about 8hrs ago? That's always open to interpetation. At what point after having a beer is it OK to to come into posession of your firearm again?

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huh i was told as long as its locked up stripped down in trunk that was fine...... there should be info on it right?


also the thing bout carrying in bars while not drinking , there is a bill they are trying to pass to allow this i thought?



It is a big gray area and they are just waiting to hammer people. Keep in mind the Franklin County prosecutor is not gun friendly to begin with... and they are trying their best to seem "tough" on DUI's, etc. Put two and two together.


There isn't much info out there for certain, and it is going to turn into one of those things where examples are made.

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There isn't much info out there for certain, and it is going to turn into one of those things where examples are made.


Didn't they make an example out of 2 guys last week or so that had guns in a bar?

I seem to remember them getting 3 years in prison.

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