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If you could make a law...


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yeah, i am sick of them rolling up on me close as fuck too, then on through the stop / traffic signs. it's fucking annoying when you are traveling the speed limit, approaching a a corner to find mid corner some bicycle fuck peddling along 3 foot out in the road. only to slam on the breaks, or quick-look-swerve-wide. either way, not fucking safe



Now don't get me wrong, if you play by the rules I am cool with it. I used to ride a lot a couple years ago. Yeah they can share the road, no it's not intelligent to ride way out there, but we do have to watch for them.


If you follow the rules, I'm more than happy to slow down for a second if I have to, but if I have to pass you like 4 times because you keep lane riding and running traffic lights...I'm not so nice.

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fuck bicyclists! i cant stand it when they decide to ride up sawmil parkway, when theres a bike path 6 foot over.


Right up there with people walking in the street at dusk. I don't give a shit if it is my own fucking neighborhood, use the sidewalk. Push your stroller with your newborn in it on the SIDEWALK! Teach your fucking kids to play on GRASS not the street. Don't let your 3-7 year old ride their bike and big wheels in the street either.


Add in my no overnight parking on side streets too. Makes Dublin look like the west side.

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Lots of great ideas in this thread.


I'd like to add that if you're proven guilty of rape or child molestation, and there is legitimate proof, it is mandatory that your cock gets chopped off


Or your vagina plugged (but only if you are ugly)

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keep the stupid bicycles off the road for cars. it's dangerous for a car to be going 25mph under the speed limit, but for some reason jack asses think it's ok to ride their bicycles on a 55 mph (riverside) road with curves. GTFO of the way!!!!!!!!!!!


It's actually a law that it's illegal to ride your bicicyle on the side walk.

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For those that have been on the Autobahn you won't be able to do that in the US without rebuilding a LOT of roads. We just don't have the same standards here... :(


But until then, add Driver License CLASSES.


For instance:


D class: Limited to the Right lane only 65mph

C class: 75mph max right and middle lane

B class: 90mph max

A class unrestricted speed fast lane


However, fast lane "like" the autobahn is FOR PASSING ONLY. If you aren't passing you can't drive in it... ;)


There will also be no limit to the amount of guns you want to buy legally each week, month, year, whatever.


Move to Texas, there is no restriction now... :D

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For those that have been on the Autobahn you won't be able to do that in the US without rebuilding a LOT of roads. We just don't have the same standards here... :(


But until then, add Driver License CLASSES.


For instance:


D class: Limited to the Right lane only 65mph

C class: 75mph max right and middle lane

B class: 90mph max

A class unrestricted speed fast lane


However, fast lane "like" the autobahn is FOR PASSING ONLY. If you aren't passing you can't drive in it... ;)




Move to Texas, there is no restriction now... :D


There's no restriction here.

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For those that have been on the Autobahn you won't be able to do that in the US without rebuilding a LOT of roads. We just don't have the same standards here... :(


But until then, add Driver License CLASSES.


For instance:


D class: Limited to the Right lane only 65mph

C class: 75mph max right and middle lane

B class: 90mph max

A class unrestricted speed fast lane


However, fast lane "like" the autobahn is FOR PASSING ONLY. If you aren't passing you can't drive in it... ;)




Move to Texas, there is no restriction now... :D


There's no restriction here.



I meant this for all 50 states. ;)

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I'm sure this is already a law, but people should have to pull into the lane closest to them, so I can turn into the lane closest to me and we can all be happy.. Instead of me turning when they turn and they honk at me and I give them the finger for being a moron and not paying attention to simple traffic laws.
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I'm sure this is already a law, but people should have to pull into the lane closest to them, so I can turn into the lane closest to me and we can all be happy.. Instead of me turning when they turn and they honk at me and I give them the finger for being a moron and not paying attention to simple traffic laws.


This is already a law too, people just don't follow it. I drive a POS so I just pull out regardless. If I get hit I profit.

Kind of like how you can't change lanes in the intersection but people still do that too.

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you should have to have a license to have children, that way it can be regulated and also makes sure you are not a complete fucking moron.


Couldn't agree more. IMO they should start fixing all of one sex at birth, and you shouldn't be able to get it reversed until both parents pass a proficiency test of some sort. Also the parents would need to show they could legally afford to have a kid.

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