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Got hit by a plastic bottle on my bike.

Slomo Eric

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Eric he was probabally pissed you were doing 49mph in a 65mph zone lol. On a side note you should have got next to him, and kicked his car. I carry my loose bar end all the time on my bike in my jacket that will shatter any window on impact. I would have fucked him up
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I got an idea, get next to me while im on my bike and throw a bottle at me and see what happens. Ill buy your truck back from you when insurance totals it. Pm me for contact info :)


Froget the above statment if you werent talking about me.

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Back when I just got out of HS I had a douche nozzle pour paint thinner all over the fender/hood/mirror of my car. 20 minutes later it was down to the bare metal. Never found out who did it but I have pretty damn good idea who did.


Oh well.

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I live up in that area and know the SUV. I've seen up north on Sawmill towards Powell when I pick up my kids at school. IIRC it had 30 day tags on it this summer. Not sure if it's new though. Thought it looked used.


I'll keep my eyes open for him and if I see him at a light will let him know he's being watch by the entire internet and one of most feared gangs in Columbus.


Seriously, I'll spot it and PM you. PM Me your cell number and I'll text you when I see it.


No way, better yet just simply say "hey arent you that fucking asshole who throws bottles at bikes on the highway? yeah thats you.... your famous on the internets cocksucker"


Seriously though, i drive that area everyday around 2pm i'll keep an eye out.


To the OP, did you call the cops? can they or will they do anything about it?

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No way, better yet just simply say "hey arent you that fucking asshole who throws bottles at bikes on the highway? yeah thats you.... your famous on the internets cocksucker"


Seriously though, i drive that area everyday around 2pm i'll keep an eye out.


To the OP, did you call the cops? can they or will they do anything about it?


Say there is a video of it too.

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this is what scares me. people have no fucking respect for bikers. no matter how safe you ride theres people that think they always have the right of way, cant even have the respect to move over or slow down. no joke i would find his ass asap and have a nice talking to with him and the police. ;)


Ummm...if he was merging ONTO the freeway the other car DID have the right of way. That's why there are those little upside down triangle signs on ramps that have symbols in them. I think they look like this: Y, I, E, L, and D




Also, "people have no respect for bikers" may stem from the fact that SOME (notice I didn't say ALL) bikers have left a sour taste in their mouth. When a group of guys on crotch rockets and/or harleys wanna roll 147 deep down the road cruisin' 10 miles under the speed limit not letting anyone pass they aren't seen as doing anything wrong (not to mention when they roll through town and at a 4 way stop decide all 147 of them somehow = one vehicle and clog an intersection for 17 hours). When that douche nugget who pulled out in front of me while I was obeying all traffic laws and made me lock up my brakes when HE had the red light he wasn't condemned, even when he punched it and rode a wheelie through traffic eventually cutting through multiple lanes causing many people to swerve or brake. When that biker boy with the do rag matching his bike rides 85 through residential streets where kids play nobody says anything.


It goes both ways. There are some very responsible riders and some complete tool sacks. Same with drivers.


Regardless, he had no reason to throw anything at you. Usually when a bike speeds past me I let 'em go. No way I'm gonna be able to catch/outrun them and there is nothing worth risking everyone elses lives over. The guy obviously thought his Porsche entitled him to do as he pleased and gave him the rights to the road. I'm just glad you came out of it unscathed.


If you have room to get over at ANY onramp/offramp you should do so for the safety of all around you and just as a common courtesy.


I hope you do as you say, find him, and let him know what's up without doing anything stupid that will get you into trouble. Will the cops even do anything now that the situation is in the past?

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Honestly, don't retaliate.


Not worth it nowadays....suppose you get caught in the act, you are at wrong, REGARDLESS of what happened previously.


Fun ruining weenie. Now, I know who's car to fuck with. ;)


I want to say how childish this thread is, but I remember something similar happening to me a while back and how pissed I was over it. Just chalk it up to someone having a shitty day and go on with your life, revenge will most likely get you arrested.


Not if you have patience and a good imagination. Too many people get away with behaving like an asshole because our society lets them get away with it, because their shitty parents let them get away with it, because we've made a world easy to not take responsibility for your own emotions and actions. I'm not saying beat the guy with a bat or set his car on fire, however, a little 'harmless theraputic' vengeance does the mind and body good for both parties. :D

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