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What a crappy day.


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So for a monday it started off pretty normal. Then I get this Cobalt in to do simple power steering recall. In the midst of pulling the motor my right hand slipped off and I basically punched the underside off the dash causing a pretty deep laceration on top of my hand. After spending most of the day in the ER, I found out I cut a tendon and thats why it won't move. Now I have to go see an orthepedic hand doctor and possibly have surgery to fix it.


The good, my Camaro is an auto so I'll still be kicken ass, and Paul is laid-off so he drove me around today and hung out with me making it much better then sitting by myself.


The bad, it's my fucking right hand, and it's in a cast, I can hardly do anything, it's really taking forever to type this.


To those of you I promised to help out I'm sorry, I'm not sure how long this will slow me down.:(

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You seem to know a lot about being hurt, and I mean that in a nice way.

Its a small list, the hand was the first then a motor fell off a stand and landed on both ankles(just bruised), then hand was swollen like a cathchers mit after a 2' long wrench hit it when a hydraulic pump was accidentaly turned on, carbon monoxide poisoning 3 times, then the recent accident. Thats doing pretty good.

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So safe to assume they're covering your medical bills and healing time then??


sorry to hear scott. heres to a speedy recovery.


pics of carnage?


No pics, there really isn't much to see it's a short but deep cut, and currently in a cast.

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cardinal ortho FTW. Jaren Bombach is also a great doctor, and a corvette nut as well.....


he's a car nut for sure, and loves modding them. i worked with all different hand surgeons in the city. you can't go wrong with brent bickel, james popp, or ray wurapa. they are all hand specialists, who do nothing but take care of problems exactly like the original poster's all day long every day.

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