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Our world Lost a great man this weekend


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I hate bringing bad news to light, but it's with a very heavy heart that I type this to get it out of my system. While many are preparing for C&C today, our family is morning the loss of my Father in Law Tom.


My wife and our family have been in the spiral of heart and lung issues with him for the past 3 months but early this morning Tom lost his battle and left our family.


Tom was a hard worker. Blue collar his whole life who still managed to work their 120 acres of land and raise a family of girls including four 2 MD's, a Chiropractor and a Lawyer. This is a man that for the past 21 years of my knowing him never once blurted out a single cuss word nor ever raised his voice in anger. The most laid back and considerate man I know. He was a member of the Bowling Hall of Fame with over 50 years of experience and 300 games than I can remember.


Married 44 years and just 3 weeks shy of his 80th birthday, he collapsted not due to his right sided heart failure or to his Pulmonary fibrosis, but rather doctors suspect it was his nearly 6mm Abdominal aortic aneurysm that finally took him.


The good news is that he didn't suffer in his last moments. He likely never really felt anything other than a sharp pain in his lower back/gut. Over the past several weeks, he spent 2 weeks touring the great NorthWest with his grandkids, and their family in Oregon. We also had his 8 surviving sisters from a familiy of 18 with him along with all of us here in Ohio as he came close to death just a few weeks back. Even last weekend, I skipped C&C to help at a cookout at the farm in his honor.


The only real sad news is we did have an extended weekend in Niagra planned for this coming weekend. He was so excited and looking forward to it. He's the only man I know that would want to drive in a van loaded with kids and pets and actually enjoy every painful moment of the event :) It was to be a blast.


It's too early to say for sure, but I believe we are all still going to go and use that time with nearly 40 of us together to celebrate his life. That's got my vote anyways.


Goodbye Tom. I'm not sure what you wished for on your last birthday, but I hope that it came true.



1931 - 2010



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Sounds like a tough loss. The best thing is his quality of life was high right to the end. Sounds similar to my father. Before he died we all had a laugh when we got a letter from his church that they were sorry he was a shut-in. In fact he had stopped going to church because he was traveling all the time. At his funeral people asked about how his quality of life had been and we told them that we all had tickets to Vegas in two weeks.


Anyhow, sorry for your loss. Sounds like he had a hell of a life. It's hard to loose someone like that, I know from experience.

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Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone. It's been a rough weekend. Family is strong though. The part my wife and I area concerned with is 2-3 weeks from now when everyone that is in town heads back and mom will be by herself.


Again, continued thanks.

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Sorry to hear of your loss Tim. Its funny how you talk about him, i was just talking to my uncle last night about my grandmother. She always had the mindset of the more grandkids the better and she ALWAYS wanted ALL of them around constantly, sounds like your father in law was very similar.
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