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Oh, this will make your blood boil...


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We seriously need to organize a big ass ride onto the capital building or something - call all the media and tell them we're pissed off about our lives not being taken seriously by dumbass judges...slow traffic down for a couple of hours..

I don't know...just seems so wrong. And after the family plead with the judge to not grant the parole...how fucked up is that.

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The Judge on record is Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Charles A. Schneider. The Franklin County Common Pleas Court website does not have his e-mail listed, however all their e-mails use first_last name@ format. Judge Schneider's e-mail may be Charles_Schneider@fccourts.org.

Send him an e-mail to voice your displeasure.

If that doesn't work, his secretary's name is Cheryl Jeffrey. Try Cheryl_Jeffrey@fccourts.org.

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Thats BULLSHIT. I had a good friend of mine i was in the USMC with that was killed by a drunk driver. That guy only served 4 months. I guess if you want to kill someone just do it with a car, you wont even serve a year.

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I am in for anything to fix this shit. I am also Law enforcement in the state of Ohio, but I have seen to many motorcycles over the years get nailed by cars, trucks and whatever else my come in front of them... and typically the people responsible get little or no criminal sentencing compared to non vehicular incidents with the same outcomes...If you are driving drunk and you kill someone whether its on a bike or pulling the trigger its the same end result.. someone is dead and you are responsible.. the punishment needs to fit the crime.. but I guess as motorcylists we are less human because we were on the road and it was an accident...

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We seriously need to organize a big ass ride onto the capital building or something - call all the media and tell them we're pissed off about our lives not being taken seriously by dumbass judges...slow traffic down for a couple of hours..

I don't know...just seems so wrong. And after the family plead with the judge to not grant the parole...how fucked up is that.

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These stories about riders getting killed are already getting to me this season, and I havn't even been out on 2 wheels yet this year :nono:

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even with the cost of ammo going up, much cheaper to to use a bullet on anyone serving life terms .... thin the heard and no one has to be let go.

I read in every mag from the AMA that they are working on stiffer penalties for someone found guilty of causing the accident where a motorcyclist was killed... how f'n long does it take???

I hate that we [motorcyclists] are put at a higher standard to get on the road (more training, tests, etc) but lesser when it comes to someone killing us with a vehicle. Any idiot can get a drivers license and buy a car, but a special breed to ride a motorcycle, thus we know the risks of some ass not seeing us and whatever else may happen on the road? So politicians, judges, etc think the "general" public doesn't deserve the same penalties?

Mf'rs ... you get stiffer penalties if you are harming an animal.... this country is b.s.

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This is the first I'd seen of this. My father and Chuck were very good friends for a long time, and I know him pretty well as a result. He is a good man, so there must be another side to the coin. One angle that comes to mind right away is that Chuck suffered a similar loss himself some years back-so there's certainly going to be a reason behind his actions. Did the D/A apply the right charges? Did the prosecutor drop the ball? It's not all on the judge-they have guidelines they have to abide by just like everybody else.

I'm sure this will prove unpopular with a number of members, but it's the truth.

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I think I'm going to contact the judges office - I agree that this just seems crazy. But he was sentenced to 3 years. The judge let him go...I can't imagine that someone kills a guy and only gets 3 years out of, and only serve 6 months. Nothing makes sense.

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All I'm saying to people is "don't be a dick"...remember he really is a good man, with a lot (LOT) of weight on his shoulders. I don't remember anyone ever meeting him without feeling good about the fact that he is a judge. I firmly believe the circumstances involve a botched prosecution.

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I am in for anything to fix this shit. I am also Law enforcement in the state of Ohio, but I have seen to many motorcycles over the years get nailed by cars, trucks and whatever else my come in front of them... and typically the people responsible get little or no criminal sentencing compared to non vehicular incidents with the same outcomes...If you are driving drunk and you kill someone whether its on a bike or pulling the trigger its the same end result.. someone is dead and you are responsible.. the punishment needs to fit the crime.. but I guess as motorcylists we are less human because we were on the road and it was an accident...

When I went through the police academy, during the criminal portion of the ORC, one instructor actually told us that if we wanted to commit murder to make sure we did it with a car and then drank a quart of whiskey before the cops came. You will get 6months or a few years MAX, compared to 20 to life for blowing their brains out with a gun.... (he said criminal defense lawyers are cheaper than divorce too.... I think maybe his divorce didn't go so well....)

This is partially why I make sure to terrorize anyone who nearly clips me. (and a few who HAVE hit me) Each time someone ignores simple road rules or safety and nearly converts me to a funny stain on the pavement, I make sure they don't forget to look out for those homicidal biker dudes for a while... (Ok if I kill myself, but I definately don't need anyone elses help here....)

I'm certain I have made a few VERY attentive drivers out there. It's amazing how much you can teach a teenager about road safety by pulling his punk ass through the window of mommies stationwagon and having a "chat" with him about running stop signs or looking before you pull out of driveways... They don't give a shit if mommy pays a ticket for them, but the realization that parents can't take an ass whipping for you is GREAT motivation to pay attention.

Actually scared one kid so bad he rolled his own head up in his car window trying to get away from me.... I was laughing so hard afterwards that I just got back on my bike and left, I think he got the point...


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That's a REALLY mature train of thought! What if somebody makes a mistake and you yank the wrong guy out the window? You do realize they updated the retreat language in self defense law and that a person in a car who believes their life is in danger is allowed to shoot you, right?

In my experience, MOST cops are shitforbrains that couldn't get a job doing anything else that would stroke their billy-badass self images.

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