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Weight Loss Thread "2010/2011"


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well im up to 188 (32.25" waist) and benched 425, squatted 495, and deadlifted 570 my last work outs, getting back up there finally.

goal is 190 with a 31.5" waist.


da fuk? you're stronger than shit.


you ridin that bicycle?

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well im up to 188 (32.25" waist) and benched 425, squatted 495, and deadlifted 570 my last work outs, getting back up there finally.

goal is 190 with a 31.5" waist.


Those are raw numbers?

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yes they are, shooting for a 1900lb equipped total @ 181 in august at the pro/am in cincy.


Nice numbers. Hit your squats really, really hard and all three lifts will climb.

Edited by Hal
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damn couldn't imagine being that light. I don't want to weigh under 220lbs. Of course being 6'1" on my build would be anorexic/dangerous at that weight.


I'm the short fat one in my family :fuuuu:


Dad: 6'9" 190 pounds (maybe 200 now, not sure, its summer so he usually drops to around 165-175 but this year he's doing well)

Younger brother: 6'3" 145#


I've got at least 3" of shoulders on them, if not a ton more. It sucks, I've got the freakish metabolism, but the bone structure of someone about 50 pounds heavier in muscle mass.

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Something to try...


Get an app on your phone like "My fitness pal". All you have to do is plug in what you are about to eat and it calculates out the nutional value (carbs, sugar, calories, fat, etc). Since its a lot less work its a lot easier to do.


Something as simple as plugging in what you are about to eat before you eat it will help a lot. You would be surprised at how much more control most of you will have on your diet just by seeing the impact before hand. If you type in 4 slices of Pappa Johns all meat before buying it I would bet 95% of you wouldnt get it. My fitness pal isnt the only one but its free and a pretty good app to help with awareness. If you look hard there are plenty that are very detailed and helpful.

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Thanks I have been looking for a good app to track this stuff


Been using calorie counter by Fatsecret. Has a barcode scanner that'll pick track food and you can access your account online for better tracking.

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Been using calorie counter by Fatsecret. Has a barcode scanner that'll pick track food and you can access your account online for better tracking.


Thats a good one too. Both have bar code scanners, online support, and update their information regularly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

monday through friday

meal 1: 2 eggs one protein shake

meal 2: banana 1 Tbl spoon of peanut butter

meal 3: 1 med size chicken breast 1/2 cup cooked brown rice

meal 4: 1 Tbl spoon peanut butter

meal 5: 1 med size chicken breast 1/2 cup cooked brown rice

meal 6: protein pudding mix


sometimes I will add some nuts, raisins or other fruit in to get more calories if i need them.


saturday and sunday, cheat days but eat fairly healthy/clean as I am with the GF and she eats healthy as well.


i am up to 190-192 now with a 32" waist, strength hasn't increased much lately, but still working on it.

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Pretty psyched for weighing and measuring myself tomorrow morning. I've been stuck at 255lbs for over a month now, and I've finally broke under even weighing later in the day where I'm a couple pounds heavier.


I had originally set a goal for myself of 230 by September 1st. Doubt I'll see it but I want to be damn close to it so I'm busting ass at the gym and diet to see it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this back up.


Well officially lost 81lbs now since December. 10lbs a month ain't to shabby.


Down to 241lbs as of today. I've been told by several people lately that I don't need to lose anymore but I still want 220lbs then I'll decide from there.

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Bumping this back up.


Well officially lost 81lbs now since December. 10lbs a month ain't to shabby.


Down to 241lbs as of today. I've been told by several people lately that I don't need to lose anymore but I still want 220lbs then I'll decide from there.


what did you focus on mainly to lose that much, where was your main effort?

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what did you focus on mainly to lose that much, where was your main effort?


Quit drinking pop all together. Cut out the majority of junk food, and fast-food. I work out 5 to 6 days a week for at least 1.5 hours at a time. Not much into cardio, mostly moderate to heavy lifting.


I also eat a good bit of protein and make sure to get the majority of my carbs in the morning, and eat minimal carbs during the day.

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