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Where are you taking your next vacation to?

Guest 614Streets

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Don't know yet. Work is sending me to Memphis and Dallas in January for a week. Then back to Memphis for a week in February. Then they'll send me somewhere for a week in April and another week somewhere in May. By the time it's all said and done, I don't want to travel anymore for the rest of the year. I might do a few weekend road-trips instead.
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Ocean City, MD a few times since my grandpa has a condo there. Then I had hopes of going to Japan with a friend from there, but money may not allow that. Other than that I will be traveling to drift events around the midwest and some on the south east coast.
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I think a cruise is about the best cost efficient vacation you can spend money on. Well unless you like camping. You can't go to the beach, stay as nice a hotel, and eat like you can on a cruise for the same money.



Probably not this year due to 2nd baby, but I wanna go to the Mediterranean. Might do a cruise, but I found that with a cruise the site seeing gets cut way down and I wanna spend some time in Rome and Athens.

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