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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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So I'm in the passenger seat and we get pulled over. Cop comes up asking the basic questions, then looks at me and says I need your lisence. I'm like ok whatever, he claims he pulled us over cause there was no license on the front of the car, she states the lisence is in the window, cop replies, well I can see that since ur window is dirty. Then says I noticed u didn't h ave on your seat belt wen u were getting on the ramp, and I said no I put it on once we got on the ramp cause we jus got out of wendys, then I said funny thing, u can't see her lisence which is in front of me but u could see I had no seat belt on. He said well yeah your a biger obejct, and again reply, no you weren't looking for her license plate, you saw what you wanted to see, so please give me the ticket so we can move the fuck on. He asks me to step out of the car, because he wants to check the car. I laugh and kindly refuse. You didn't pull us over because there is no front plate, now that you see 2 young people in a nice car you want to question us. Sir give me the ticket and go on with your day. At this point I'm getting pissed cause there is no reason for him to have even pulled us over. He looks at me and asks why we were in mt gilead to begin with and my girl says , that's actually non of your buisness, that information does not need to be given to you for a routine stop on a front plate. Just write the ticket. He says she has a smart mouth and shit gets out of hand at this point. He radios in for back up, they show up 4 mins tops, they ask us to get out of the car on suspision of drugs. I bust out laughing, so I get out and he says he wants to check me for weapons, now mind you, I'm in a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and tims( boots) I'm like man profiling a bit much arnt we officer. He looks at me and says if I wasn't dressed like a gun toting drug dealer, this would all go over alit smoother. I look at hime and say I want you badge number, your police station number and your full name. You jus fucked yourself cause my lawyer has nothing better to do besides rip apart a police station. They search the car , find nothing, and write us both tickets. I have my info and it the convo was recorded on my phone. Can't wait to get home now.
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wow those fucks have nothing better to do out there. im out there at 71 and 95 for work at least one a week and of course im fat so wendys is always on my agenda. almost a guarantee to see some one getting searched while i eat


Yeah I see it there all the time too. Funny thing because if they'd watch my car, for some reason I pull into the duke station, site for awhile, then another car pulled up and tosses me a box and we both leave. You'd think that would be suspicious after the millionth time we do it. My company uses that lot for "part runs" as a halfway point to our mansfield warehouse.

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Ill try to upload sound bites later, I just found it hilarious how dumb this guy was. I'm like the days were you could verbally abuse people is over, there is way to much technolegy out here and big brother sees everything.
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Why not just shutup, comply and go about your day? Either way you didn't have a seat belt on and the plate wasn't in the right spot. He was doing his job and you were giving him a hard time. Sounds like you just wanting to be a smartass. That's the way I took it from reading your post.
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Why not just shutup, comply and go about your day? Either way you didn't have a seat belt on and the plate wasn't in the right spot. He was doing his job and you were giving him a hard time. Sounds like you just wanting to be a smartass. That's the way I took it from reading your post.



Bend over and take it. Dont plead your case or ask for clarification. Make their job easy so they can move on to giving other drug dealers tickets for not wearing their seat belts.

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I was jus pointing out the inconsistencies of his story. Funny part of the whole thing, I asked for the ticket 2x and my gf asked for it once. I knew my seat belt wasn't on wen leaving wendys so I said jus give me the ticket, how hard would it have been for him to walk back to his car write the tickets and move on with his day? Maybe your missing that point
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The front plate shit is BS, the Governer mandated that the HP stop the politics of the past when he hired the new guy. They are supposedly looking for more drugs than running radar. So now if we can get a new bill the HP should not contest it since they are not to be involved in politics.
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Fuck them you don't have to be nice to them, they are taking money from you. They however can't be racist.


Follow some basic laws, and chances are a person will never be bothered.


Happen to get pulled over, you were doing something to deserve it.


Get pulled over, act civil and with respect, in and out (and usually ticket-free) in 5 minutes.


Get pulled over, refuse all questions, laugh at them, get what you deserve.


EDIT - leaving this thread now. Would be interested in hearing sound clip later.

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Happen to get pulled over, you were doing something to deserve it.




How many people on this site do you think have been harrassed because their cars "look" fast? Being in the wrong neighborhood? Fitting a certain stereotype? Etc.. etc... etc..

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Follow some basic laws, and chances are a person will never be bothered.


Happen to get pulled over, you were doing something to deserve it.


Get pulled over, act civil and with respect, in and out (and usually ticket-free) in 5 minutes.


Get pulled over, refuse all questions, laugh at them, get what you deserve.




Been pulled over about a dozen times and have only had one ticket since 99.

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Get pulled over, refuse all questions, laugh at them, get what you deserve.





I don't talk to them, nor do I have too. You should never talk to them ever anyway. I respect beat cops, keeping neighborhoods safe. But tax collectors issuing front plate and seatbelt tickets can kiss my white ass. They are there to collect money just so they can collect a paycheck.

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I'm see where Ben is coming from, but rules/laws are there and still need to be followed. After Phil stopped fighting and said I will accept the ticket it should have been over. Sounds like some muscle flexing for no other reason than to inconvenience you... which they can do if they cover their ass right.
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