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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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Fuck that. Dude I would go talk to my lawyer. Have him ask him where the probable cause is for the search since you already told them they can not search. I dont care if you called his mom a whore. You still have rights, (4th amendment), and that douche bag just violated them. I mean seriously, they searched your car because you got mouthy with him. That's not probable cause. Im surprised that they didnt tase you bro. :)
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when you get pulled over for a seatbelt and a front plate they aren't looking for drugs they are looking for revenue


fight it Phil


Every stop is a search for drugs. When I was in the Police Academy they used to tell us to ask everyone if you can search. The worst they can say is no. However, if they say yes because they think they are gonna look guilty for saying no then you dont have much to fight.

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Every stop is a search for drugs. When I was in the Police Academy they used to tell us to ask everyone if you can search. The worst they can say is no. However, if they say yes because they think they are gonna look guilty for saying no then you dont have much to fight.


Plus they can claim slurred speech, glassy eyes, smells, suspicious behaviour and all kinds of things as reasons to search. He called in for back up first and more than likely covered himself along the way.. Since you said it happens a lot in that area Im sure hes a pro a c.y.a.

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Oh he had his bases covered well, no one touched my gf, he actually didn't search me once I said I had nothing, but his words is what is going to get him fucked. I wasn't being a dick wen I asked about how he saw my seat belt but missed her plate that's a legitimate. Question. If he woulda said u have no seat belt on wen I saw you here's a ticket I wouldn't have said shit. But don't say one thing, then another to get 2x the worth out of it.
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I have been pulled over 3 times for no front plate and window tint by westerville, I have only got 1 ticket, not one time did they ask to cearch my car even though my car fits the profile of a drug dealer.


dont you look like an emo kid, or am i thinking of someone elses picture posted here...when i think of drug dealers, emo is not what comes to my mind at all

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That is lame... Its so funny because he will claim that he was doing his job. More likely going out of his way to make someones day a living hell because he could. That and he is prob in need of making quota for the month so he can pay off all the Visa bills that Christmas racked up.
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i was once pulled over at morse and sunbury. expired plates, no seat belt, no insurance and argued with the cop did not let him search my car the ticket was wrote for no prof of insurance. when i went to court the case was thrown out. let them know you know your rights or they will have a field day with you
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None of the story ever happened, Phil just made it all up in another attempt to convince everyone he's not gay by saying he has a girlfriend




I was pulled over in my gtp when the wheels were on it. He told me i was doing well over the speed limit. I had my hud on and i was doing 56 in a 55. When i told him i knew i wasn't speeding he told me he was going to search my car. I asked why and he replied "because the vehicle looks suspicious" then more words were exchanged i don't feel like typing it all out. Eventually i told him i was recording everything on my phone that was sitting on my lap and he told me he was giving me a warning and to slow down

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If the front plate isn't bolted to the part of the car furthest to the front then its illegal


just sayin


as for the cop deciding the search the car, when Phildo said "ok just give me the ticket and we'll be on our way" it sounds like he's hiding something and trying to get out of there as fast as possible.


They have a million tricks and smell suspicion everywhere. Doesn't matter the color of your skin, what matters is what you say and how you present yourself. Although Ohio really needs to do away with front plates so this shit doesn't start in the first place.





















































now find somewhere else to run your drugs, thug

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Fuck that. Dude I would go talk to my lawyer. Have him ask him where the probable cause is for the search since you already told them they can not search. I dont care if you called his mom a whore. You still have rights, (4th amendment), and that douche bag just violated them. I mean seriously, they searched your car because you got mouthy with him. That's not probable cause. Im surprised that they didnt tase you bro. :)


Terry Stop

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How many people on this site do you think have been harrassed because their cars "look" fast? Being in the wrong neighborhood? Fitting a certain stereotype? Etc.. etc... etc..


ever since that police sub-station went in my area, I get pulled over 90% of the time I get my SS out, that's one reason why I don't come out anymore

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How many people on this site do you think have been harrassed because their cars "look" fast? Being in the wrong neighborhood? Fitting a certain stereotype? Etc.. etc... etc..



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let them know you know your rights or they will have a field day with you


May have worked for some of you but usually the whole "rights" speal backfires.


what matters is what you say and how you present yourself.


From years of experience (don't ask) I can attest this to be the gospel. I've gotten out of numerous sticky situations by playing things cool and treating cops as businessmen, even though they were clearly trying to piss me off.

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Sorry, I meant how many people here would get pulled over if they had race cars or left their keyboards occasionally.


You haven't been here long enough to remember my Mustang.

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Follow some basic laws, and chances are a person will never be bothered.


Happen to get pulled over, you were doing something to deserve it.


Get pulled over, act civil and with respect, in and out (and usually ticket-free) in 5 minutes.


Get pulled over, refuse all questions, laugh at them, get what you deserve.


EDIT - leaving this thread now. Would be interested in hearing sound clip later.



I totally agree. If you actually talked to him the way you wrote this post, you deserved what you got.


Act polite and respectful, don't mouth off, and you would have been out in a few minutes. Court is the place to argue and 'point out inconsistancies in his story," not the side of the road.

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80% of cops think they can do what ever they want just because they have a badge. they have rules as well and when they know you know what they are they dont try that bullshit


usually they try it, then cover it up. Everytime i've mouthed off to a cop, or even tried to "argue" with them (whether it be about "rights", rules, etc) I lost. Every time i've treated them like Business men i've wound up either getting let-go with a warning or a ticket for some petty shit.

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80% of cops think they can do what ever they want just because they have a badge. they have rules as well and when they know you know what they are they dont try that bullshit


No cop is intimidated by anyone on this site throwing out, "I know my rights!!".


Since we're using random, made up statistics... 90% of idiots using that one-liner do not, in fact, know their rights.

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I totally agree. If you actually talked to him the way you wrote this post, you deserved what you got.


Act polite and respectful, don't mouth off, and you would have been out in a few minutes. Court is the place to argue and 'point out inconsistancies in his story," not the side of the road.



This is exactly why they do what they do. I wonder how many more people they would do this to if we just keep making it easy for them to infringe on our rights. Its ok to get treated like shit by the cops and maybe if your nice to him then he will make the ass rape quick.

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