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Post YOUR HDR pics

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So post up some that you Took and made.. or atleast made..

Im not great still working on it



Just did this today




My dragon


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out in the country



My GS450 (Now docs)






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Thats very HDR "look" whats your technique? I don't do much with HDR though I do try to get a few shots to compile during weddings if I see an opportunity. I typically don't like the really "cartoon" look and I also don't like the lack of contrast that is a result of image stacking techniques and try to process it out if I can.


That first car photo is pretty cool and looks better the more you stare at it though you should clone out those two dust spots.

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Thats very HDR "look" whats your technique? I don't do much with HDR though I do try to get a few shots to compile during weddings if I see an opportunity. I typically don't like the really "cartoon" look and I also don't like the lack of contrast that is a result of image stacking techniques and try to process it out if I can.


That first car photo is pretty cool and looks better the more you stare at it though you should clone out those two dust spots.



I never noticed them.. lol.. ill try..


well how i do it..


I take the photo in Raw so that i can change the exposure without take 3 of the same photo...


Use photoshop for to create 3 exposures.. -2 0 +2 EV(exposure)


I use photomatix (if you need a full copy of this anyone let me know.) for the HDR i have 3 saved settings.. i find the one i like best.. and adjust from there.. i can give my settings if needed.. (if not using saved settings use the 4 that photomatix gives you to get a good base point)


then i process.. save.. (make sure you save at this point no turning back after )then click on tone mapping again.. and sometimes it makes the photo look better

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I set my camera to bracket mode and let it fire off 3 shots -2 0 +2 real fast, and then stack them. Never tried the simulated HDR method in PS. I've run HDR looking filters in LR a lot though.


Hmm, does my Nikon D60 have a setting like that? I'm thinking no...

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looks like shit


They can. HDR has a wide range of creative degrees. Many here and overall like the surrealistic style. Many don't even layer multiple image, but rather just stretch the color, exposure and tonal contrast of a single image. Not true HDR.


Personally, I prefer to create a true High Dynamic Range image whereby you stack 3-7 images typically 1/2 to 1 stop apart. By doing so you get a more natural look to the final output.


Again, it all depends on the end product one looks to create. Like boobies, I prefer a natural look where the dynamic range is truly extended.



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