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Do you believe in Karma ?


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So for those that followed my first post of bad luck coming in three's, I thought I would share a few good and bad points from last week as we left for vacation. Why? Because so much shit happened that I can't believe it and have to share the stories. At first I was thinking we did something to really piss off Mrs. Karma or something. In the end, I look back on all of this and realize that we have been very fortunate overall and that the 8 or so thank you cards I sent out are the least I could do for what we ended up with.


Believe in fate? Karma? I do now......Intersting too is that just when I thought people general don't give a shit and suck, a series of events took place that made me realize perhaps I'm wrong.



Bad News:

Started off with a flat tire. A full blow out on the freeway with a car load of kids and vacation stuff. 3hrs into a 10hr drive.


Good News:

I heard the noise, watched the dash, bingo...right rear tire. Look up and viola, fully restored rest area.


Good News:

Roadside Assitance if needed, NTB only 2 miles away, Bought road hazzard on tire. End result, a delay, but a good story for my son to tell his friends.


Good news:

Told sob story to hotel at check in; viola JW Marriott Club Level upgrade to Junior Suite - 900sq ft of fun :cool:


Excellent News:

Blue Sky, Temps in 70-80 degrees all week.


More Good News:

Southern Hospitality and Charm: Daughter gets aweome birthday card from hotel, $5 cash from them and a birthday cake and sparkling apple juice. How cool it was as it was a total surpirse to all of us that the gals at the front desk made this happen for my little girl :D


Bad News:

While enjoying Stone Mountain Theme Park in Atlanta, wife and I forget to buy tickets to ride the Ducks aka ATV Boats and kids are majorly disappointed and I feel like shit for it.


Good News:

Gals working the desk here my kids so upset and dad feeling like a heal trying to make it right, that they slide us into the last of three boats that were sold out and didn't even want us to pay.


Great news:

Captain of that boat let my daughter drive for about 5 minutes. How cool that was for her. :cool:


Bad News:

Loading up Van to go home at end of vacation only to find a dead battery.


Good News:

Off duty Atlanta PO-PO jumps my car with a smile. Also my smiles is still there from watching the look on my sons face as I told him yet another incident is interfering with our week.


Bad News:

Battery has a bad cell and dies at gas station in Knoxville


Good News:

More southern hospitality, Guy at station jumps my car and gives me his very nice set of jumper cables to get home. He refused any money.


Great News:

Dealer 1 miles away is open and gets me in and out with a new battery in less than 30 minutes.


Bad News:

Come home to 22* and a furnace that has quit. house is now 58*


Good News:

We have a secondary heating system in our Master bedroom and kept everyone warm through that night. Also, my neighbor and drinking buddy works for a major company HVAC co. and comes over next day early and fixes it with a part he had stashed in his garage.


Bad News:

I hear water dripping under our kitchen sink...come on already!.....


Good News:

My sister recently got married to her long time boyfriend who owns his own plumbing company. He came over and fixed it up and all is now good.

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We live on a round rock, what goes around will come around.


Be kind to other, that's how I was raised and that' how I live.


I <3 your posts.


I don't believe in any of that shit. Every day I see worthless assholes with nice things that I can't afford..


And on the flip side see genuinely great people who do everything to serve everyone around them asking nothing in return living in dumps and walking everywhere. I feel ya on this.

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This isnt karma, its just another perspective of looking at things. What you have shown is an attitute towards the situations that have happened.


I think maybe what he is saying is that at some point, perhaps recently, he has helped some people with their problems. During this vacation, he had some problems and people were extremely generous in helping him and the family. Those people that helped him will have good Karma coming their way now.

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I think maybe what he is saying is that at some point, perhaps recently, he has helped some people with their problems. During this vacation, he had some problems and people were extremely generous in helping him and the family. Those people that helped him will have good Karma coming their way now.


Exactly. The wife and I had recently worked with the kids and several folks in our lives helping others and this go-round the end feeling was not......well, let's just say, while we don't "expect anything" we do look to see positive energy come from it and the folks we worked with were far from positive, even after. Sad really to see some people so bitter and negative even to those lending and genuinely helping out.


I had to really sit and explain to my son and some extent my 5 yr old daughter that its not how others react but rather what we individually do with our time and actions that count. In other words don't let their continued bad energy lesson the light in our lives. Continue to do the right thing and take the high road.


Anyway, I feel this trip really showed all of us that we can create a positive energy around us even in times that don't seem very positive.


It hasn't just impacted me but the kids too. Just last night my bro. In law came over and died the leaky pipe/valve. Even though he's family I always cover costs and then some for his time but he looked at me and said absolutely not and to let it go as a favor he likely owed me back for times I've helped him.


IMO, what goes around really does come around.

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I feel like people try to rationalize incidents by making stupid excuses such as blaming Karma and bad luck... shit happens, go on with your life and quit making excuses or blaming it on something else. There's hardly any rhyme or reason as to why things just seem to happen.
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I feel like people try to rationalize incidents by making stupid excuses such as blaming Karma and bad luck... shit happens, go on with your life and quit making excuses or blaming it on something else. There's hardly any rhyme or reason as to why things just seem to happen.


There's where we differ. I really do believe shit doesn't just happen. I do believe that every moment we live that we have a choice – to be at peace/positive or to be in resistance/negative. I do believe that if we are positive we attract positive energy and when we are negative we create negative vibes that reflect back on our being.


I do feel it’s a simple choice and yet most people unconsciously choose to live in negativity. They way I see it is even if one doesn't believe, they still can make a choice to be positive or negative. Indifference is actually another choice but one I feel is even worse. See it's just not in my nature to allow or believe that shit just happens. "If it's to be it's up to me" Holds true in action and thoughts if you ask me.


The point of my week is that while a ton of "shit" happened, I do believe it's how we chose to deal with it that resulted in things working out. They most certainly could have been a lot worse.

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There's where we differ. I really do believe shit doesn't just happen. I do believe that every moment we live that we have a choice – to be at peace/positive or to be in resistance/negative. I do believe that if we are positive we attract positive energy and when we are negative we create negative vibes that reflect back on our being.


I do feel it’s a simple choice and yet most people unconsciously choose to live in negativity. They way I see it is even if one doesn't believe, they still can make a choice to be positive or negative. Indifference is actually another choice but one I feel is even worse. See it's just not in my nature to allow or believe that shit just happens. "If it's to be it's up to me" Holds true in action and thoughts if you ask me.


The point of my week is that while a ton of "shit" happened, I do believe it's how we chose to deal with it that resulted in things working out. They most certainly could have been a lot worse.

+1 to you my man because that is dead on...

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I wouldn't say my logic is negative in any way.. I just don't attribute events to specific reasons. I realize that stuff happens, shrug it off, and continue on with life.. no skin off my back.
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