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If you could text your 18 year old self...


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What would you tell yourself?


I would tell myself not to throw away a free college education in order to have "some time off", only to have to pay for college starting at 20.


I would also have started my family earlier (instead of waiting until I was 30).

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On the opposite end of the spectrum...I'd have say wrap that shit up a bit more and don't be so carefree. Being that I'm 25 and have a 6 year old now, I don't regret any of it, but I know things could have been better/easier had I waited a few years longer at least, and had some shit in order/taken care of and was with someone I cared about/wanted to have a kid with versus just some bitch that liked the dick.
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On the opposite end of the spectrum...I'd have say wrap that shit up a bit more and don't be so carefree. Being that I'm 25 and have a 6 year old now, I don't regret any of it, but I know things could have been better/easier had I waited a few years longer at least, and had some shit in order/taken care of and was with someone I cared about/wanted to have a kid with versus just some bitch that liked the dick.


I concur sir.

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I'm with Vince, have kids younger.


I'm going to go against that and say NOT to have kids younger.. like 17 years ago.. younger. I would have texted myself.. "Pull the fuck out.. NOW".


Hell, we probably wouldn't even be married (hell, Sunday for 12 years) if it wasn't for that.

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Self: "Invest all available extra money in Googl, Yahoo, Apple and several other key companies and you'll never have to worry about money again."


In the end though, it wouldn't ever reach me as when I was 18, cell phones looked like this and didn't get text messages:



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I would tell myself to never marry that bitch. Just take the kid and run. If I didn't have my amazing son I would just tell myself to never touch her, but whatever. Of course some lotto numbers would be important.


Probably most important, tell mom you love her more often, tell her to get her screenings more often. Maybe she'd be alive still.

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I'd say the following:


No matter how inconvenient it is to keep it in Boston, DON'T SELL THE APACHE.


When you shoulder starts to hurt after that soccer game, don't ignore it.


Take an extra year in college to study abroad and screw around, or end up in a horrible recession with no job.


When mom gets cancer, don't worry. She wins.

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