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My Dinner > Yours

Guest Hal

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Shmaa wins, I concede.


944s2 - I realized I placed them wrong after I took the picture. By that time I was already using my utensils and no longer cared. That being said, I didn't think anyone would catch that. For your observation, I award you 1 internet.

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Shmaa wins, I concede.


944s2 - I realized I placed them wrong after I took the picture. By that time I was already using my utensils and no longer cared. That being said, I didn't think anyone would catch that. For your observation, I award you 1 internet.


WOOT! lol I'm glad you didn't take me too seriously. The internet is serious business you know...

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That was the weakest "look at my shit" post I have ever seen in the history of the internet.


Yeah, cause any of your shit cars have looked better? Oh hey, I can go fast in a shit box on wheels.


Wait, why don't we also bring up the pictures of you floating around here somewhere. You look like a fucking anorexic Mexican troll. That's one hell of an achievement.

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Hey guise check it I got mass produced shit beer and 2.99 pork chops


I would take Bass over your shitty Jack any day. Talk about shitty, mass produced alcohol. Not to mention you're probably another tasteless, classless, idiot who drinks black label.

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Shish kabobs with steak, colored peppers, etc etc. Drank some Gewurztraminer after. It was good but not special.


A man should know how to cook. [/Thread]


I never make kabobs. I think I need to do that this weekend, on the grill.

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Yeah, cause any of your shit cars have looked better? Oh hey, I can go fast in a shit box on wheels.


Wait, why don't we also bring up the pictures of you floating around here somewhere. You look like a fucking anorexic Mexican troll. That's one hell of an achievement.


So wait-are you trying to come back with the fact that I have built several cars that have gone faster than you unfortunatly likley ever will-



Or, the fact that I look better than you? Im 5-9 170, 5% BF Squat 405, and Bench 345. Not only am I not anerexic, but I'd bet you wife, GF, or whoever your with (if anyone) would rather fuck me. True Story



True story. Please, feel free to post pics of the godlike physique your feeding. L O L

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Hey guise check it I got mass produced shit beer and 2.99 pork chops




Not only was it shit food, it was shitty looking shit food.


Yeah, cause any of your shit cars have looked better? Oh hey, I can go fast in a shit box on wheels.


Wait, why don't we also bring up the pictures of you floating around here somewhere. You look like a fucking anorexic Mexican troll. That's one hell of an achievement.


I would take Bass over your shitty Jack any day. Talk about shitty, mass produced alcohol. Not to mention you're probably another tasteless, classless, idiot who drinks black label.


So wait-are you trying to come back with the fact that I have built several cars that have gone faster than you unfortunatly likley ever will-



Or, the fact that I look better than you? Im 5-9 170, 5% BF Squat 405, and Bench 345. Not only am I not anerexic, but I'd bet you wife, GF, or whoever your with (if anyone) would rather fuck me. True Story



True story. Please, feel free to post pics of the godlike physique your feeding. L O L


I love this place.


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So wait-are you trying to come back with the fact that I have built several cars that have gone faster than you unfortunatly likley ever will-



Or, the fact that I look better than you? Im 5-9 170, 5% BF Squat 405, and Bench 345. Not only am I not anerexic, but I'd bet you wife, GF, or whoever your with (if anyone) would rather fuck me. True Story



True story. Please, feel free to post pics of the godlike physique your feeding. L O L


Yep, your little metal boxes will go faster than my cars. That's a guarantee. I don't care about building cars, let alone sheet metal death traps (almost).


Funny, I asked my wife and she said she would rather go without sex than touch you. I asked another friend as well, just to avoid crazy bias, and she agreed. The consensus is that you aren't even worth a drunken one night stand. Sorry to break that to you. I don't know what girls you're fucking in Cleveland, but the fact that they're in Cleveland says a lot about their decision making skills.


I'm not a moron, I don't post random shirtless pictures of myself on the internet. This is another example of decision making skills.


PS. Don't try to bring up lift numbers to a powerlifter, that's just not smart. Actually, I trained a kid that weighed less than you and could out lift you on his worst day. Interestingly, he was a lot younger (not yet in his prime) too. Maybe you could benefit from some training advice. Pickup a Powerlifting USA and you can go ahead and read my article. Go ahead and climb back under your bridge (I'm assuming Mexican trolls still live under bridges?).

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My car has 1337HP and 1/4 mile in 3.14 seconds. For dinner I did an 8 ball to the face then ate a bag of shrooms. For desert I drove to the wilderness and killed a bear with just a boot knife. I cooked him over a camp fire while drinking my own piss. Plus I look like a badass holding a grizzly bear head in my hands. Gaud damn I am good.
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Yep, your little metal boxes will go faster than my cars. That's a guarantee. I don't care about building cars, let alone sheet metal death traps (almost).


Funny, I asked my wife and she said she would rather go without sex than touch you. I asked another friend as well, just to avoid crazy bias, and she agreed. The consensus is that you aren't even worth a drunken one night stand. Sorry to break that to you. I don't know what girls you're fucking in Cleveland, but the fact that they're in Cleveland says a lot about their decision making skills.


I'm not a moron, I don't post random shirtless pictures of myself on the internet. This is another example of decision making skills.


PS. Don't try to bring up lift numbers to a powerlifter, that's just not smart. Actually, I trained a kid that weighed less than you and could out lift you on his worst day. Interestingly, he was a lot younger (not yet in his prime) too. Maybe you could benefit from some training advice. Pickup a Powerlifting USA and you can go ahead and read my article. Go ahead and climb back under your bridge (I'm assuming Mexican trolls still live under bridges?).



All I hear is talk, and all I see is backpedaling.






Still waiting on those pics Adonis................. .

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All I hear is talk, and all I see is backpedaling.






Still waiting on those pics Adonis................. .


Backpedaling? Where is that? I must have missed where I retreated away from prior statements. I guess you don't know exactly what terminology to use when describing my posts.


Did Charlie Sheen teach you a god's name? That's pretty cool, I would have assumed that paganism was beyond your little bit of knowledge. Perhaps if you read my post again, you'll realize that I said I'm not going to post pictures. There are some floating around out there, and that's enough.


I should point out, because you won't get it, that a refusal to post pics is not backpedaling. Remember when you called out my post of "look at my shit", the note about your atrocious physical attributes is really a way of pointing out your failure of "look at my shit".

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for my dinner i started off with a hot dog wrapped in bacon moved to a turkey wrapped in bacon and finished it with a cupcake wrapped in baconhttp://foodbeast.com/content/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/maple-bar-bacon-wrapped-hot-dog.jpghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcekptQhcl1qzrafwo1_500.jpghttp://farm6.static.flickr.com/5285/5381589419_8522dfae06.jpg
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I would take Bass over your shitty Jack any day. Talk about shitty, mass produced alcohol. Not to mention you're probably another tasteless, classless, idiot who drinks black label.


yep, i love jack daniels and black label.



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