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My Dinner > Yours

Guest Hal

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Backpedaling? Where is that? I must have missed where I retreated away from prior statements. I guess you don't know exactly what terminology to use when describing my posts.


Did Charlie Sheen teach you a god's name? That's pretty cool, I would have assumed that paganism was beyond your little bit of knowledge. Perhaps if you read my post again, you'll realize that I said I'm not going to post pictures. There are some floating around out there, and that's enough.


I should point out, because you won't get it, that a refusal to post pics is not backpedaling. Remember when you called out my post of "look at my shit", the note about your atrocious physical attributes is really a way of pointing out your failure of "look at my shit".



Talking shit, and then refusing to (IE: not being able to) back it up is either backpedaling, or being pussy. Your choice there brosef. Either way it is as much of a fail as your laughable billion HP Cobra.


Then, you post this thread with food that makes store bought microwave dog shit look like filet mignon?? I'd punch my girl in the face if she brought some bullshit like that to me.


You food is fail


Your car is, and was fail


And judging by what you call a good meal, your flabby ass is Im sure a fail as well. Im still waiting to be proven wrong here, but I am sure I will just hear more excuses.....

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If you say so. However, we are grilling steaks, asparagus, home made bread and some Sangria.




Tonight, indoor grilled pork chops. Complimented by a nice Pinot Grigio, veggies and chocolate cake for desert.






what time is dinner tonight?

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My God, I wish I would've joined this forum much sooner.


The Kitchen, if you think that meal was worthy of setting up perfectly, taking a picture, and making a thread to brag about, you're not eating good enough sir. Real talk.

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My God, I wish I would've joined this forum much sooner.


The Kitchen, if you think that meal was worthy of setting up perfectly, taking a picture, and making a thread to brag about, you're not eating good enough sir. Real talk.



Name: Alex

Join Date: Nov 2010

Location: Wellston

Occupation: Hell raiser

Posts: 30


Get ready...

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Salad - Basic lettuce with ranch dressing and fresh shaved .......SHIT FOOD...ect







My God, I wish I would've joined this forum much sooner.


The Kitchen, if you think that meal was worthy of setting up perfectly, taking a picture, and making a thread to brag about, you're not eating good enough sir. Real talk.



Pwnd by a fucking Noob no less! :bangbang:

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Talking shit, and then refusing to (IE: not being able to) back it up is either backpedaling, or being pussy. Your choice there brosef. Either way it is as much of a fail as your laughable billion HP Cobra.


Then, you post this thread with food that makes store bought microwave dog shit look like filet mignon?? I'd punch my girl in the face if she brought some bullshit like that to me.


You food is fail


Your car is, and was fail


And judging by what you call a good meal, your flabby ass is Im sure a fail as well. Im still waiting to be proven wrong here, but I am sure I will just hear more excuses.....

Actually, again you fail at a definition/use of a common term. Not once did I say anything about my physique or car building skills. Nothing to backup as I have no claims. Jesus, your feeble mind can't grasp a simple subject like this. I feel embarrassed for you. Next time you attempt to "pwn" someone, at least come up with an argument that is based on reality. I'm calling out your failure to resemble a normal human being. That has nothing to do with me, everything to do with you.


Way to call out a car I don't own, and haven't owned for quite a while. I'm so offended, what will I do? Go ahead, call out my Envoy or Jeep next. They're slow and probably don't make any power, but at least you would be calling out cars that I own.


My food is fail, no care. My food tasted delicious, took 5 minutes to prepare, and got a nice thread going about other people's culinary skills. Do I honestly care what a retard like you thinks is quality food or presentation? Nope, somehow I doubt you even have a clue what a fine meal really tastes like. Go back to the gym, drink/take your supplements, and shut your Speedy Gonzalez lookalike, mouth.


Again, I don't even own a Cobra. I don't have a clue what it is now (fail or win) or if it even still exists. Personally, I couldn't care less. I don't base my life's worth on some piece of shit car and how fast it is.


Care to make sense with that last statement? Pork and potatoes make a person have a flabby ass? That's interesting... Do you know anything about anything? Do you just say whatever random thought comes to your mind? I'm pretty sure I've argued with more competent 6th graders.

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My God, I wish I would've joined this forum much sooner.


The Kitchen, if you think that meal was worthy of setting up perfectly, taking a picture, and making a thread to brag about, you're not eating good enough sir. Real talk.


03SVT - I'll take it easy on you for this round. You're about as moronic as people get, so I can only assume that any significant bashing will shatter your already weak self esteem. You strike me as another tiny-dicked poser without the ability to think at a high enough level to adequately understand what I've even typed thus far. Before you call out someone's thread, why don't you look at your obvious attempt to not look like such a useless fuck. Go back, jerk off over your piece of shit 'Vette, then come back here and try again.

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