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Are Cyclists Riding on the Street a Nuisance?

Guest Hal

Are bicyclers a nuisance?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Are bicyclers a nuisance?

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90% of the cyclists I see do not obey the rules of the road and make things a lot more dangerous than they should be.


Cyclists are a nuisance. Discuss.




The bet is that if 75 people vote "yes" before 75 vote "no", we will ban Evan for a week.

Edited by Hal
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The ones on the two lanes road outside of New Albany and Gahanna are a pain. The roadd are narrow two lanes to begin with and some people to ride three or four feet out in the lane. The speed limit is 45 and the roads are windy. Even if I am careful, I can't control on coming traffic swerving into my lane to avoid them.
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Hal, you're still a bag of dicks. Regardless if you think we're annoying, laws are there for cyclists like they are for cars. law is to ride two abreast to the right side of the road. its like that so people don't think they can squeeze by on a single file rider(s) with a car coming at you...riding two wide makes people more conscious about passing and not trying to be passing when theres an oncoming car, but instead, waiting for the car to get by before passing, thus doing it safely
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Hal, you're still a bag of dicks. Regardless if you think we're annoying, laws are there for cyclists like they are for cars. law is to ride two abreast to the right side of the road. its like that so people don't think they can squeeze by on a single file rider(s) with a car coming at you...riding two wide makes people more conscious about passing and not trying to be passing when theres an oncoming car, but instead, waiting for the car to get by before passing, thus doing it safely


Wow... you are implying cyclists abide by the Rule.





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Yes, I think they should keep their toys off of public roadways unless there is a specified bike lane. Out where I live I have to deal with them constantly and they always act like dicks by riding in the middle of my lane and look back at me like I'm in the wrong. Ohio has a ton of bike trails and paths everywhere for them to ride safely. God damn kids and their toys.
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Hal, you're still a bag of dicks. Regardless if you think we're annoying, laws are there for cyclists like they are for cars. law is to ride two abreast to the right side of the road. its like that so people don't think they can squeeze by on a single file rider(s) with a car coming at you...riding two wide makes people more conscious about passing and not trying to be passing when theres an oncoming car, but instead, waiting for the car to get by before passing, thus doing it safely


And this why even when riding solo you take control of the lane you are in, so that when its not safe people cant pass.


Wow... you are implying cyclists abide by the Rule.






Cyclists the dont ride by the rules are just as ignorant as the people who think bicyclists should ride on the side walk.

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The only thing that bugs me is inexperienced riders on the street, especially if there is a sidewalk close by. I mean if you don't know how to yeild and pay attention to traffic, clear through intersections, etc. then stay on the sidewalks till you know how.
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Whats easier, a person having to go on the grass to avoid a bicyclist or a bicyclist have to to go off the road to avoid a car? The problem is people riding bikes in places that are dangerous for everyone. There should be roads where bikes are encouraged and places where they shouldn't be. Bikes should be allowed to ride on the sidewalks and should not be allowed on certain stretches of roads.
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Cyclists arent supposed to ride on sidewalks...theyre for walking...when my sister was like 11, she was riding to the pool, going through a crosswalk where she had the signal to go, guy coming to the light hit her, knocked her off her bike....nothing serious...when my mom showed up, know what the cops said? "legally, she should be riding on the road"...11 and they said she should be on the road


I agree those who disregard laws are annoying...i stop at lights with traffic, use hand signals, stay as far right as possible while riding 2 wide, wear a visible green shirt


Dont group all cyclists as annoying...its like saying every driver is a dick because of the groups of people who go out street racing and other shit breaking the laws

Edited by evan9381
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Cyclists arent supposed to ridebon sidewalks...theyre for walking...when my sister was like 11, she was riding to the pool, going through a crosswalk where she had the signal to go, guy coming to the light hit her, knocked her off her bike....nothing serious...when my mom showed up, know what the cops said? "legally, she should be riding on the road"...11 and they said she should be on the road


I agree those who disregard laws are annoying...i stop at lights with traffic, use hand signals, stay as fae right as possible while riding 2 wide, wear a visible green shirt


Dont group all cyclists as annoying...its like saying every driver is a dick because of the groups of people who go out street racing and other shit breaking the laws


But, I like street racers and cyclists are dicks. You seem cool but, your buddies can eat my dick.

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I think Cyclists ARE a nuisance in most cases, simply because of ignorance.


Any time I come up to a group of cyclists in my car I try and tip them off they should be riding as close to the white line and in a single file, unless making a pass.

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When I used to ride my bicycle I abided by no rules, I rode on the sidewalk, the wrong side of the street, through peoples back yards I really didn't give a fuck. Now I ride by motorcycle better then that, but I still could care less about speed limits and right of ways, because I don't give a fuck. Street racing, not lifting until I run out of room, passing people where ever I fit, because guess what? I don't give a fuck. Think I'm an asshole, trust me if you get in my way I am.


edit: disclaimer: it is hate night for me :finger:

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Hal, you're still a bag of dicks. Regardless if you think we're annoying, laws are there for cyclists like they are for cars. law is to ride two abreast to the right side of the road. its like that so people don't think they can squeeze by on a single file rider(s) with a car coming at you...riding two wide makes people more conscious about passing and not trying to be passing when theres an oncoming car, but instead, waiting for the car to get by before passing, thus doing it safely


Thats great and all, when I come over a blind hill doing the speed limit then suddenly have 100 feet to stop before I go bowling




I understand people that only have a bike for transportation, those people generally live close to where they work. People riding rural roads where there are trees and hills and people cruising at high speed is a terrible place to put on your spandex and go slow while somehow taking up the entire road.

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Love when I'm in a crowd of people that suddenly slows down to 15 because they can't pass the bicyclist, because he's doing 15 in the middle of the road, and there is oncoming traffic.


I have the urge to play catapult.....




Dear Bicyclist: DIAF.

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I say we add a poll.


The bet:


If 75 people vote that cyclists are a nuisance before 75 people vote they are not, we ban Evan for a week. If the opposite happens, we ban the person Evan nominates, after winning, for one week (we need to keep things fair in the poll).

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Hal, you're still a bag of dicks. Regardless if you think we're annoying, laws are there for cyclists like they are for cars. law is to ride two abreast to the right side of the road. its like that so people don't think they can squeeze by on a single file rider(s) with a car coming at you...riding two wide makes people more conscious about passing and not trying to be passing when theres an oncoming car, but instead, waiting for the car to get by before passing, thus doing it safely


Maybe if all riders did what they were supposed to, things wouldn't be an issue. Like I said, 90% of them are complete morons that are begging to become a hood ornament.

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I was driving a honda ruckus down the sidewalk today on shrock... Fuck it I dont wanna die. Even tho I was going 40... lol


I know drivers get made so I made the right choice to stay off the roads... :)

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Here is a thought how about you all be non aggressive and slow down and wait for the idiot bikers to get out the way. Drink a beer, do an 8 ball, smoke a blunt, whatever the fuck will make you mellow out and just wait. If you become late you can always use the excuse "These idiot bikers held up a long string of traffic and I couldn't pass them". Shit happens all the time everyone will believe you.
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2 lane roads are not a good place to ride your damn bike.


Just because a walking path allows bicycles, doesn't give cyclists the power over everyone. I had some words with a spandex clad banana seat rider, as he tried to inform me I was on the wrong side of a path while looking over a bridge. If that's your form of exercise, more power to you. But, stop clogging up the roads and acting like ass clowns if pedestrians get in your riding path.


One of the most scenic paths here in Dallas gets congested with bike riders too often. They blaze around like Lance Armstrong when there are familys and pedestrians just trying to walk. I'd have no problem with cyclists if they didn't run in a pack and go 4 riders wide. I'd do it myself, but I live in Dallas and I'd like to see my 30th birthday. Dallas makes Columbus drivers look like saints.

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